Chapter 13

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"You grew up here?" My eyes widen to saucers as I take in the place. "It's a castle. An actual castle. Is that a moat?"

I squint, trying to see the water around the huge-ass castle in front of me, as Jade drives us down the tree-lined driveway, which is longer than the street I grew up on.

Jade chuckles. "Technically, it's not a castle. It's called Thirlwall Hall. No, that's not a moat. It's a lake that encircles the back of the house. It doesn't come around the front. To be a moat, it has to totally surround the house. And, yes, I lived here for the better part of my life."

The better part of her life.

That sentence alone makes me want to wrap my arms around her and hold her tight. After learning how her early years were, the feelings I have for her have only grown. Knowing how hard she had it in the start of her life to where she is now—where she's brought her life to be—makes me admire and respect her even more.

And like her more.

It's not good, I know that, but it is what it is. And as long as I keep my feelings to myself, which I intend to do, then everything will be fine.

I can't stop thinking about her life, how she was raised in two completely different ways.

Thank God for her grandpa.

I was already looking forward to meeting him. Admittedly, I feel a little intimidated after discovering that he's a lord. An actual freaking lord. And he lives in a castle. I don't care what Jade says. It's a castle. But after learning everything her grandpa has done for her, I'm more than looking forward to meeting him.

"So, what do I call your grandpa? Lord Thirlwall or just Lord? Or, like, Your Royal Highness."

Jade laughs loudly. It's a really good sound to hear after the intensity of today.

"Pez, Royal Highness is reserved for the monarchy. Kings, princes, that kind of thing."

"So, he's not actually royalty? I thought lords were royalty." Not that I know much about lords or anything to do with the British monarchy—except the Queen is cool, and Prince William and Kate produce the cutest kids ever.

"My grandpa's title was given to him by the Queen. And he is distantly related to the royal family but way, way down the line. Tenth cousin once removed or something."

"Wait a second. He's actually related to the Queen?"

"Technically, yes."

"That means you're related to the Queen."

She chuckles. "Well, no..."

"Um...your grandpa is your blood relative, and he's related to the Queen—I don't care how many times removed." I stop her when her mouth opens to speak. "So, that means you're related to the Queen."

"I guess, if you look at it that way, then, yeah, technically...but not really."

"Oh my God!" I cover my face with my hands. "I've been having sex with royalty!"

"I'm not royalty, Pez."

I wave her off with my hand. "Oh, you are so royalty! I can't believe you didn't tell me this before! I'm so adding that to my list. being royalty...and you and me doing the dirty—like, numerous times—I think this might actually top meeting Caleb Wethers."

Her brow creases. "So, you have to discover there's a drop of seriously diluted royal blood in me in order for me to top Caleb Wethers? Wow, I feel so special."

I can tell from her tone that she's playing with me.

"What can I say? Monarchy just marginally tops rock royalty."

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