37: therapy

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a few things before the story starts:

1. if it wasn't obvious, michael scratches his wrist as like a withdrawal thing, like he hasn't had a cigarette in a while so his body is going through withdrawal

2. i'm making michaels accent more specific to a region. i like to think his family is from manchester, england so that's the accent i'm going for.

3. i never mentioned the investigation against william. there has been a case against the murder he committed ever since he killed charlotte. They categorised that as just a one-off killing until susie "went missing", and then the police connected the 2. and they just kept adding more and more kids to the case until they suspected william, which was after they found charlie's body. then they got an arrest warrant, the day before he killed clara. they had to add that to his murder charges. all in all, they were able to tie 4 murders and 3 missing persons to him. that's not important for this chapter but i just thought it was important to the story.

3rd person pov

it was about 2 days after the funeral, and henry had noticed michaels deteriorating mental health. kenya's death had really taken a toll on him. henry had already called a therapist to schedule an appointment for michael.

"are you ready, mike?" henry called

"yeh." michael called from his room. he walked out of his room and put his hands in his pockets. he was wearing ripped blue jeans, a black denim jacket, and his iconic grey tank top.

"where are we goin again?" michael asked as he walked out to henry's car.

"you'll see." henry sighed. michael sighed and got in the passenger seat. he sat in the seat and put on his seat belt. henry got in the car as well, putting the keys in and starting the car. he put on his seat belt and started to pull out of the driveway. michael hummed and stared out of the window, starting to scratch his wrist softly. henry didn't know how michael would react to going to therapy. he knew michael hated the idea of talking about his issues. anytime henry would ask michael about his relationship with his father, michael would just scoff and ignore the question. michael did tell some people about his feelings, but only if he really trusts them.

henry pulled into the parking lot of the therapy office and sighed. michael looked up and saw the name of the building.

Southern Utah Wellness

michael got out of the car and stared at the huge stone sign.

"what are we doin." michael asked

"michael, you've been through a lot, you need to talk about it." henry explained

"fuck that! i don' fuckin need therapy." michael spat and opened the door to get back in the car.  henry walked over and shut the door before michael could get in. he locked the car doors and sighed.


"michael, i already scheduled the appointment. come on." henry grabbed michaels hand and started to pull him towards the entrance.

"this blows." michael spat and started to walk with henry. they walked inside and henry went to the front desk.

"hey, uh i'm here to check in michael afton? for the 9 o'clock with dr. langley?" henry tapped his fingers softly.

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