43: smoke break

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2 days later

michael pov

i was walking to 3rd period, with jeremy. we were going a different route than i usually would because he believed that it would be shorter. ive been down that hallway maybe a total of 10 times in all of my time in this highschool, but never to get somewhere quicker. maybe to just skip class. it was too busy for anyone to notice someone hiding. as we were walking, i saw something that made me stop in my tracks. it was a booth with a big picture of kenya on it, with many smaller pictures of kenya and the clubs/athletic stuff she was a part of. there was a picture of her and i that her mother took framed on the booth, next to a framed picture of her and the drama club.

"mikey, come on." jeremy grabbed my hand and tried to pull me along with him. i pulled my hand back, causing him to be pulled back with it.

"mikey? did you know her or something?" jeremy looked at the booth. i didn't answer. i just stared at the booth. every single good memory of kenya flooded into my mind. it put a warm feeling into my stomach, and i felt nice.

"miiiiiikeyyyyyyyy?" jeremy pulled on my arm. i was still staring at the booth.

"hey, mike? are you ok?" worry leaked into his voice, and he pulled on my arm harder.

"michael?" jeremy waved his hand infront of my face. i turned to him and blinked for a second. he looked extremely worried so i gave a quick smile. it seemed to sort of work, and  i cleared my throat.

"she- uhh, she was my friend." i shook my head a little, trying to get my hair out of my eyes.

"ooh. that must suck then. seeing as she's dead i think." jeremy said bluntly. i almost started to laugh, seeing as how straight forward he was with saying it.

"yeah. she's dead, jeremy." i put my hand over my mouth, trying to hide my laugh.

"that's rough, i'm sorry, man. but uh, we should get to class." jeremy teetered back and forth on the heels of his feet. i laughed a little at that. i nodded.

"yeah. let's get to class." i spared one more look at the booth and smiled. half of the clubs on there she quit to join another club, but they still put this up for her. she wasn't even that popular, and she still got a huge memorial booth. they even put it on a busy hallway. jeremy pulled me along and we continued to walk to class. he held my wrist and i walked behind him, staring at the ground.

"i told you it would be shorter, mike." jeremy smiled. i looked up and we were infront of the class room.

"huh. i guess it is." this caused jeremy to laugh, and we walked inside of the classroom.


jeremy and i were walking out of the school together, and i looked around for a second.

"hey, jeremy, can you wait here for a second? i need to...do something." i cleared my throat. jeremy looked at me confused.

"can i just come with you?" he asked

"are ya sure ya wont to? i'm kinda...gonna uh..." i slightly pulled the pack of fags out of my pocket, showing it to him. he looked at it and shrugged.

"i don't wanna be alone. i'm still pretty new here." jeremy stuffed his hands in his jean pockets. i nodded and waved for him to follow me. we walked to the side of the school, away from the entrance. this was where the stoners reside.

"it smells like weed here." jeremy pinched his nose. i laughed and nodded.

"it does." i agreed. i pulled out the pack of fags and tapped one out of the box. i placed it between my lips and pat at my pockets. i didn't have a lighter on me. i really should listen to kenya more often.

"why do you always keep a lighter in your pocket?" i asked, staring at kenya as she lit the fag in her mouth.

"well. michael. if you must know. i keep a lighter in my pocket at all times, because you'll never know when you need one." kenya smiled.

i sighed and looked at a group of 2 stoner kids. they probably had one.

"jeremy, ill be right back." i waved at jereny. i pulled the stick out of my mouth and walked over to the kids.

"hey, wassup, mikey!" one of them waved at me. i waved back and squatted down next to them.

"heeeey, englishman!" the one smiled.

"hey luvs. can i borrow a lighter? appears i didn't bring mine today." i asked.

"yeaaaah! of course, man!" the first kid dig out his lighter and handed it to me. i thanked him and lit the fag. i placed it in my mouth and gave the guy his lighter back. i ran over to jeremy and took a drag from the small stick. i blew the smoke out of my mouth, trying very hard to not blow it near jeremy.

"so...when did you start smoking?" he asked. i looked at him.

"technicalleh when i was 12. but i quit for a while. then when i was 15 i start'd again." i told him. he nodded.

after the fag had burnt out, i put it out against the wall we were standing next to and we started to head to the front of the building again.

"i'll see you tomorrow, jeremeh." i waved at him, and walked to henry's car.

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