2.7: Desire

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For a moment I can't breathe.

All I can do is focus on the quick and purposeful steps disappearing down the hallway. That focus then shifts to the memory of her quiet breathing; the light intakes of air as her eyes dragged slowly around the room, grounding herself in my surroundings. It seemed she had convinced herself she wasn't scared of me, enough to take her eyes from me at least; but she hadn't quite convinced me yet. I'd have to change that soon. I couldn't have her fear me.

It took all of my strength to let her leave. There was something deep inside of me that demanded I stand from this stool, rush to her side and refuse to let her leave this building. It was much like a piano chord that was constantly being strung from the inside. This undeserving desire to lock her away in the safety of the upstairs room and not let anyone see or hear from her again terrified me. There was no foundation for it. I'd never felt like this before.

When I'd considered it the first time, I'd contemplated the idea of her being a magical being; someone long lost in the generational magic but having just enough to sway people to her side. I thought better of it after tracing her entire family line in Central's library the day after that night.

I peer at the keys of the piano and inhale some unnecessary air, swallowing the contempt I currently hold for myself and begin to play the first tune my fingers can recall. As the first keys sounded out into the room I realised very quickly that Moonlight Sonata had risen from my mind. I am briefly reminded of my mother; her brown locks flowing beside my cheeks as she watched my fingers dart across the piano of our home, her perfume lulling me into a blissful state completely enthralled in the music.

I had learned the piano on my own, in those choice moments when the house was empty and I could hit notes with little abandon. When my mother had realised I had taught myself the beginnings of many of her favourite songs; ones she played my entire childhood, she took it upon herself to teach me her genuine favourite before she left me to learn on my own once again.

Every afternoon after teachings, she'd sit me at the piano and force my limbs to remember the notes of this song. Moonlight Sonata was bound tightly into my fingertips, not the only song I could play, but the one that was hardwired whenever an opportunity arose.

Despite that, I couldn't bring myself to play it when Viviana was sitting in the room; it didn't feel right. The only song that came to mind while she was kneeling in this room was Liebestraum. It came to me fleetingly for a single moment, but I didn't let the thought go.

I didn't miss a single chord of Moonlight until Frederik had intervened. I was mid-way through the piece when the speaker system began to play a modern Moonlight Sonata; an unwelcome invitation from Frederik to come downstairs. He'd clearly heard or seen something he wasn't entirely pleased with and was more than happy to interrupt my session in order to let me know. I turned slowly, looking towards the door but keeping my hands on the keys. Oftentimes he'd tell Avery to hike up the stairs and guide me down, but that didn't seem to be the case today.

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