2.13: Torturous

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Getting Eloise riled up was something I did on occasion

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Getting Eloise riled up was something I did on occasion. Axon and I made it our mission to find new ways to torment her - always playfully, but in the worst situations. But as she lay her head in my lap and nestled close to me, I couldn't imagine doing anything to this girl ever again. She was, in short, the most messed up I've ever seen her. The well-put-together individual who took just as much care in her appearance as she did her relationships lay here scruffy, battered and bruised.

It was almost undeniable that I was underperforming in my role of staying stable at this moment. As I sat with her arm clung around my waist, I allowed myself the small pleasure of gently stroking her hair and trying to avoid making eye contact with the large gash on her lip. Even now, as I looked down at her, it seemed to be incapable of healing over.

It left me with a coppery bitter taste on my tongue, which, when swallowed, seemed to spread the bitterness down my throat. I had to draw back swiftly when I realised my fingertips were shaking with anger, an eclectic mix of sinister thoughts that included painfully torturing anyone that laid a hand on Elle, and a sweet fascination with my own friend, who I'd never seen in such a state.

Vulnerable. I'd never seen her so vulnerable. Even after being attacked, she'd stood with defiance in her eyes and blood on her hands from the fight she'd put up. Now, curled up beside me all I can see is a little girl, desperate for care and affection. A small graze of her forehead makes her adjust her position ever so slightly, giving me a better view of her face.

It seems she hadn't slept properly in a while, bags heavy and dark circles formed. This much I could have guessed - as soon as her head had come in contact with my thighs she'd been lost to the land of sleep. I figured I was providing her with enough of a sense of comfort to let her guard down. Something I couldn't quite allow myself to do yet. I had to take in as much information as I could pertain to this circumstance while keeping Eloise safe.

The air in the room seemed to have dropped a few degrees since I'd been thrown to my knees here; having not moved very much since I arrived. It didn't help that we were surrounded by concrete that just looked cold, never mind felt. I'd have to get Elle out of here quickly, or she'd waste away.

That notion seemed to be shared amongst the curious eyes of the people around me. Every so often I'd see someone glance in her direction, mutter something under their breath and quickly avert their eyes. None of them had been too vocal for the few hours I'd been here. It was only when people had found the nerve to talk amongst themselves again that someone had offered some agreeableness.

"She'll starve soon," Someone muttered, seemingly to themselves. I inhaled deeply as I looked over at Lincoln who was looking down at Elle with eyes filled with worry. I smiled at him slightly but wanted him to continue, circling my finger in an effort to get an explanation from him, "It's just... I haven't seen her eat anything."

"She won't stomach the pet food?" I ask, already knowing the answer. He shakes his head slowly, looking down at the can he'd opened but refused to eat. I smile broadly, "Stubborn to a fault. That's my Elle."

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