2.27: Green

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Home... didn't feel like home anymore. I'd come to that conclusion fairly quickly.

I'd been sent back to Southern a few days after the visit to Central's main building, Grace deeming me fit enough to finish resting in my own bed. She tearily wished me well and asked me to visit the hospital again when I was better. 'Just to say hi to me, of course.' I'd agreed with little hesitation; realising the more people I could turn to, the better I would feel.

I'd taken the bag of clothes that had accumulated in my short visit and made my way back to my zone alone. When I'd been left to lie in that bed grappling the pain, I had imagined leaving the hospital with someone by my side, especially considering Violet had been at my beck and call since I'd first awoken, and Eloise, who seemed concerned about my well-being had visited during her off-periods.

I couldn't hold Eloise's absence this morning against her though; as she'd arrived yesterday afternoon with a basket full of cinnamon rolls and a hearty smile on her face, not leaving until the sun had set and the moon risen. I spent most of her visits trying to adjust to the lump in my throat that forms when I cast a gaze at my friend; the long scar across her face was a gruesome reminder of her hollow screams.

Unlike me, Eloise had been provided treatment that recovered many of her injuries within a day - many of the injuries sustained through her torture being half-healed by the time she'd ran to Central and in my opinion, saved my life. I had replayed the scenario several times over, and each time, I came to the conclusion that if Eloise hadn't been there, Thana most certainly would have taken my life.

I'd attempted to at least thank her for this, but each time, Eloise had changed the subject; cheerfully explaining that she'd been moved to a 'recovery' position in Central - given the lack of travel needed between the zones. This pattern also seemed to occur whenever I brought up Axon; a sour expression appearing on her face that she refused to explain.

I had to consider that either Axon had passed away in the fights or their breakup was worse than I had imagined. Realistically those were the more positive reasons Eloise could be shadowing her feelings. The worse reason I could consider was that Axon had followed Thana's mindset and joined the 'New World Order', being told similarly to get rid of anyone in his life - including Eloise. I didn't have the heart to ask Eloise whether this was the case or not, and the smile on her face despite his absence was enough to hold me back.

Before she'd disappeared for the night she'd mentioned she was working during the hours I would be discharged and would visit as soon as she clocked out much to my dismay. Violet didn't have any such excuse for leaving me.

Since my short conversation with Violet outside the 'dungeons' I hadn't seen much of her; despite agreeing to go for a drink as soon as I was better, she hadn't appeared in the ward since. She'd all but ran from me as soon as we agreed to meet again.

I'd avoided the main roads in Central, choosing to gather strength around the external wall and then enter Southern through the blown gate that was 'last on the list to be rebuilt' currently. I'd considered looking for Nakoa and Gin as I passed through, hoping their bright faces would cheer me up - but considering the state of the wall, I opted to live in ignorance. I wasn't sure if they'd survived the 'revolution' and at this moment I'd rather not know.

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