2.23: Ramifications

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"Why couldn't you just stay underground, sweetheart," Violet murmured, her cold fingertips running through my hair

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"Why couldn't you just stay underground, sweetheart," Violet murmured, her cold fingertips running through my hair. Her voice seems strained, even through the hazy almost-unconscious state I'd found myself in, "You just had to be trouble, didn't you?"

A soft touch against my skin brought me back to the surface, pulling me away from the drowning feeling that pain had once filled my lungs with. There was a gentle pressure against my forehead, a comforting invitation to keep my eyes closed and resign myself back to the land of sleep. It was such a welcome thought that I almost had.

Instead, I tensed, sucking in a breath and pulling myself up slightly. I had expected to see inky blackness, a fire fuelled inferno or a weightless world of light - instead, I was greeted by a white ceiling and white walls - those pearly white shades the only thing my blurred vision could take in at this moment.

That was until I saw her.

The figure of a woman lounging in the armchair to my left made a sudden adjustment, their head tilting in my direction. I hear them release a sigh of relief, rising from the chair they'd clearly just sat back down in. After a moment to set back down the book in their hands, they'd approached the side of my bed, "Lay back down, Viviana," They said firmly but in hushed tones, her voice has a calming effect on me.

"No-" I attempt to say with gumption, but what leaves my mouth is a slurred atrocity of sound. The woman had raised an eyebrow as I put all my weight onto my palms, a heaving breath following the movement.

There was a deep pounding behind my ears, with every beat that roared through my head a sickening feeling grew stronger in my stomach. The trembling that my body was doing, mixed with the sweating that was soaking through my clothing was becoming unbearable. My limbs refused to answer my mind's pleas to still, to quiet, to give me peace - instead, opting to continue mercilessly, the sensation ripping into my insides, and making my stomach quake with unease.

The woman had crawled onto the bed and wrapped her arms tightly around me, steadying my body on the outside; but at its core, the ripples of cold and warmth in equal measure ran ragged. I folded into her grasp, allowing myself to trace fingers around her face until I realised who was trying to comfort me so desperately.

"Look at the state you're in, honey," Violet murmured, taking hold of my limp hand in both of hers and holding it to her lips, "Get some more rest."

My face scrunched together, my eyes squinting to look at her, the drowsiness fogging my vision and lulling my body back to sleep. I fought against that urge, watching as Violet frowns, hand coming up to caress my cheek.

I leaned into her hand, feeling a rogue tear roll down my cheek as the soft embrace of sleep took me firmly in its arms and didn't give me any choice but to succumb to the darkness once again.

"I'll still be here when you wake up, honey. Close your eyes and rest."

There were only a few thoughts that entered my head when the warmth of rest had released me once again. The blurring lights were causing my eyes to resist opening. Muffled voices were making my ears ring, unwilling and unready to hear coherently. Cold. It was insufferably cold.

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