2.25: Resolute

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Violet was unhappy

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Violet was unhappy.

I knew that Violet was unhappy because she was walking around the room saying words to the effect of "I'm unhappy with that decision," at a volume that graciously involved everyone present.

Grace had become withdrawn, simply nodding at her sullen protests and continuing to work amongst the ranting. Even I had grown tired of the expressions of annoyance she'd offered me; berating each defence I'd offered of my decision to visit Thana in her current predicament.

It wasn't until later in the day Violet had quieted down, taking her place in her armchair. It seemed to coincide with Grace placing a brown paper wrapped parcel on my bed, complete with red twine and a little red tag that read 'with love N'. I'd analysed the package closely, holding the string between my fingertips. I thought closely about the contents, and what 'N' could have sent me.

Violet had been holding herself up to look at the parcel too, a small, almost unnoticeable smile on her face. That subtle calm on her face brought some relief to me after hearing her rant and rave about what I had planned to do this afternoon. It only took Bevan and Barrett sending word to the hospital that they'd pick me up for an afternoon appointment in Central for the rantings to start in the first place, so it wasn't a surprise that such a small gesture would make them stop.

As soon as I'd pulled apart the parcel, the 'N' seemed clearer to me. Inside the package is a very Nora outfit, brown linen dungarees with a very light white top and strappy brown shoes in the exact same shade of brown. It was the exact makeup of clothes that Nora often sported, and if not her, Eva.

"Your sister?" I said quietly, directing the question towards Violet, whose smile had grown slightly wider upon the package being opened, "Why would she send me this?"

The woman could only giggle as she raised herself from the chair and approached my bedside. I closed my eyes tightly as she placed two hands on either side of my face and began to caress my cheeks, "She's already claimed you as a member of our family. You shouldn't be surprised if gifts appear in your lap without you knowing."

I can't help but purse my lips as she spoke. The Nora I recalled had been relatively detached from me, even in close quarters. It stood to reason that either she had no interest in me whatsoever, or genuinely didn't like my interference in her sister's life. Further, she could know some dark future of mine - being a witch, that is. How was I to know?

I opened up about these feelings as I stood from the bed, holding on to her shoulder for balance. With a deep, settling breath I released her from a tight grip and stood alone for the first time in days. There was a slight ache in my limbs, but I imagined time and a hefty walk would ease that.

As I pulled on the dungarees with a held breath to hide my pain, Violet had stepped back, simply glancing at me; giving me the independence to act alone but fearful enough to be within arms reach. Although, if I fell I was more than aware she could run and catch me before I hit the ground - an almost spilt coffee mug earlier in the day proving just as much.

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