Chapter 7: Recovery

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Kion braced himself, gritting his teeth while Beshte stood behind him, with his large hands on Kion's back.

"Do it." Kion grunted, and with two powerful motions, the Norman realigned the Kion's back, delivering a very loud and satisfying cracking noise.

"Ahh!! Seigneur, ayez pitié!!" Kion almost shouted in immense relief.

"Merci." He added, earning a smile from his companion. Kion and his Guard stood just before a village in northern Principatum alongside a hundred or so royal knights, Principatum Knights, and over a hundred Turcopoles from the royal household and Principatum.

Every man in the company endured the blistering heat with thick sweat and blood but remained in reasonably good spirits as they stood over the remains of a Sonn raiding party.

Over eighty horse-archers lay dead with most of their Turkomans recovered and forty or so men captured. However, the warriors didn't stand alone, as men and women from the village came out to greet their protectors, offering food, drink, and water for cleaning.

"Shnorhakalut'yun." Ono said as a local woman, now speaking native Outremer almost like a native. Seeing the grateful expressions of his subjects and warriors alike gave Kion greater ease than a back adjustment.

"The Sonn tremble before the Lion of France!!!" Bunga cried with his sword held high, enticing warrior and commoner alike with his excitement.

"He certainly knows how to entice a crowd." Anga chuckled as she helped a few sergeants and turcopoles move set down the last few prisoners. One of the Sonn spit at her with a ferocious expression.

"When I get free, you're going to become part of my harem, isam!!" He snarled. Anga narrowed her eyes at the young man, particularly from his brutish and heavily accented french.

"I could knock your teeth out, but Christ preached mercy, so I'll forgive you." Anga's response earned smirks and chuckles from those around her, including Kion and Beshte, but the Sonn nobleman looked angrier and shouted some more. The ones least amused were the other Sonn prisoners, one of whom stood up and bashed the young man in the mouth with his shoulder, almost knocking him unconscious.

"Shut up! You spoiled brat! You'll get us all killed!!!" The Sonn snarled.

"A dozen noblemen among them then?" Kion asked, earning a nod from Ono, who'd come over.

"Oui, which means we have enough to trade for the last of our men taken prisoner. Louez le Christ!"

Kion felt an overwhelming sense of emotion build inside him, nearly bringing the young man to tears. Almost a month passed since his blunder at the Litani and his penance at Bethlehem, and Kion's work only increased.

While Radcliffe himself had to deal with a series of Persian uprisings, his raids on Outremer only increased, particularly in the north. He'd already picked Perdidit regions unprotected by fortresses dry, so the north was a natural target, and Kion immediately came to its defense alongside Prince Rune and Count Vegter.

"How there been any news from Tripoli, Ibelin, or Advik?" Kion asked warily.

"None yet." Ono replied.

"You worry too much Kion, just savor our success here." Fuli said as she diligently wiped the sweat from Azaad's brow with a wet rag.

"She's right. We've seen great success these last few weeks. So far, not a single village has suffered sack or pillage." Azaad added.

"Success." Kion sighed. After the last battle, he didn't feel capable of thinking about success. Instead, his mind lingered on Radcliffe and Radcliffe only.

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