Chapter 15: The King of Outremer

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Author's note: At xxx play Incubus - Follow

Screams of terror filled the marshy countryside as Aurevitas farmers and fishermen fled in panic as over thirty-five thousand Sonn horsemen tracked through the swampy terrain. The water wasn't everywhere, nor particularly deep. However, it still proved unpleasant for the steppe warriors and their steeds alike.

Makucha swore and swung his hand at the cloud of biting flies that plagued him and his Turkoman. The horse almost tripped over a half-submerged root, and the Emir barely kept himself from tumbling into the water.

"Damn it!!!!"

"Do you have a problem with the King's chosen path?" A Ghulam officer snickered, earning a death glare from Makucha.

"Hold your tongue, slave, before I cut it out!" Despite his ferocity, Makucha's heart raced faster, and he glanced towards Radcliffe. The Sonn King had an eager grin on his face as he peered at the nearby fishing village.

Makucha knew the wisdom in taking this path. His scouts reported that the Aurevitas still had several hundred warriors in the area, and in the mountain paths their army could've taken, those Aurevitas could've caused havoc.

Even if the marshes hindered their maneuverability, less than a thousand warriors couldn've pose a severe threat. Taking this path was the logical choice and something their enemies wouldn't expect. Once they pillaged and plundered Anatolia, their army would be ready to pivot and destroy Alexios when he came back from his siege.

"I'm told that the Frankish King's brother is with Alexios." Radcliffe said in a tone that made his warriors shiver. Since Kion's escape, Radcliffe hadn't spoken a word about losing his valuable prize or the death of Shetani.

"Indeed, we'll send his head to the Frankish pig. I'll deliver him to you myself!!" Makucha proclaimed. However, his confidence vanished in an instant when he saw Radcliffe look directly at him.

"................Forgive me, sire, I-"

"Makucha, relax." Radcliffe's sadistic smile unsettled Makucha, and the King placed his hand on the Emir's shoulder.

"The fault was Shetani's, not yours. He was lucky to have died so quickly. I don't plan on making the same mistake twice." Makucha looked a bit confused.


"Kion is on his way here."

The Sonn went silent.


"My agents confirm it. He marches to Aurevitas's defense with only a meager army, less than ten thousand reluctant volunteers." Laughter filled the King's Guard and nearby squadrons.

"I guess we'll get two Lion pelts then." Makucha snickered.

"Indeed, and soon enough, his cub."

Makucha looked back at Radcliffe with interest.

"We're to attack Outremer after our victory here? Forgive me, sire, but shouldn't we solidify our gains and finish off Hasira. His army is over thirty-thousand strong now and looms near the capital."

"The walls will hold. Of that, I'm sure. Besides, the remaining steppe tribes will join us once we have this country. That Persian child revealing himself works in our favor. Once he and his army are dead, his people will finally understand, they belong to us, they live or die at our will and are ours to do as we please with." More laughter followed, and Makucha saw fire in Radcliffe's eyes when he smiled wider at a nearby Aurevitas mother trying to get away with her son.

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