Finally Home

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"Keith, hurry! We're going to be late!" Pidge shouts from the bottom of the stairs, putting in her earrings and fixing her hair in the hall mirror.

"I know!" Her husband shouts back, rushing down the steps, fumbling to tie his neck-tie. "I've already let Allura know we were running late. We should still make it on time though." He pecks her cheek, and she smirks a little, pulling on her coat. Both of the adult's attention, however, turns to the hallway where little giggling and tiny footsteps are heard.

"Mama I'm ready!" Pidge and Keith smile down at their daughter, her black curls pulled into a ponytail, and amber eyes shining behind her little glasses. Pidge picks her up and fluffs her hair. "yes you are, Aurora. Ready to go watch a fun dance?"

Aurora giggles, and nods her head. The three leave their home and venture towards the shuttle that will take them to the theater on Altea. Once arrived, the family is greeted by their friends, happy to be reunited once again.

"Awe, she's so tiny! how old is she now?" Hunk asks half-dressed in his chef's pants, and suit shirt.

"She's going to be five in January". Keith answers, casually taking a treat from Hunks tray for him and Aurora. The little girl smiles and eats it. Allura and Lance walk in, with Matt and Shiro close behind.

"It's great seeing everyone," Pidge starts but notices someone is missing. "Wait, where's Coran?" Lance stifles a laugh, and Allura gives him a look.

"Coran had an um... special... something planned for before the performance". Pidge gives her a questioning look, but the party is soon called to take their seats.

Everyone makes their way inside the theater and waits. The lights dim, and a spotlight points to the stage, showing off a very over-dressed Coran. The group collectively holds back their laughter, and Pidge has to shush Aurora.

"Hello Everyone," the extravagant man starts. "Thank you all for coming tonight to witness a recently revived, formerly traditional Altean dance. Thanks to the work of our wonderful queen, and our brilliant dancers, this dance has been recreated and can hopefully be practiced once again for generations to come." Coran bows exiting the stage, and the dancers enter. Their dresses and ribbons seem to flow and take control of the wind itself. The vibrant colors mesmerize the audience, and the music is played perfectly in time with the movements on stage.

Before anyone knows it, the show ends and the lights are lit once again. Everyone claps, save for little Aurora, asleep in her seat.

"Awe, look at that," Lance picks her up and hands her gently to Keith. He takes her and wraps her dress sweater around her. "I hope she had a fun night".

"Oh, she did. she didn't start nodding off until the end. The part with the yellow costumes was her favorite." Pidge kisses Aurora's cheek and follows the group to the door.

Everyone continues to chat about the show and how wonderful it was. Coran joins them at the castle for dinner, still in his clothes and everyone feels free to poke fun at him. Aurora wakes up for a while and eats with the adults, before promptly falling asleep once again. Allura lays her down in a spare room and rejoins her friends.

"So you figured out it was the whine, huh?" Lance asks from the other end of the table.

Pidge sets down her glass. "Yeah, after I got pregnant, I ran tests on the things brought from your trips I didn't eat before. The berries from the whine Keith brought back were being used for cell replication and the natives just thought they were really healthy."

"And now hospitals on earth are mixing them with medicines and tonics." Keith chimes in and takes a bite of food.

"And I have found some amazing recipes using them as the main ingredient." Hunk adds proudly, taking some of the empty dishes from the table.

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