A New Begining

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Years Later...

"Keith! I missed you!" Pidge rushes forward to hug her boyfriend and she jumps at him. He catches her and laughs.

"I missed you too. I wish I could've taken you with me." He says lovingly and sets her down on the floor. They look at each other and smile. Both the paladins are in their early twenties now and have been physically apart for almost three years. Keith had been doing recovery work with the Blade and pidge had been on Altea working with Hunk and Coran on a 'secret project'.

"So tell me about where you went this time! What were the environments like? Ooh, what kind of tech did they have?" Pidge babbles on and leads Keith to the meeting hall where Hunk was already waiting.

"Keith!" Hunk smiles, setting giant trays of food on the table. "I'm glad Pidge dragged you here first instead of to her room." Pidge blushes beet red and Keith laughs a little.

"So, tell me more about this secret project of yours. Because that's all I know about it." Keith looks at them expectantly and Pidge grins widely.

"Can't yet," She says, still smiling. "Gotta wait for everyone else to get here. It's a surprise I think everyone is gonna enjoy."

Hunk chuckles and mumbles. "Especially Lance..." Pidge kicks him under the table and Keith looks confused before it clicks.

"You didn't... But how?" He asks, his voice hushed.

Pidge opens her mouth to say something before Lance, Matt, and Shiro walk through the door.

"Hello everybody! Look who decided to land his pod on my field!" Lance announces, very annoyed with Matt. Coran laughs and goes over to the table.

"It really is nice to have everyone together again. And this year's festival is going to be the best one in a long time!" The excitable man takes his seat, along with the others.

"So what's with this big project you won't tell me about?" Lance changes the subject and Pidge quickly rushes to the door.

"Are you sure you're ready?" After receiving multiple eager replies, she walks back in.

"Hello, everyone. It feels good to be back." There stands Allura, in her dress, ready for the festival, smiling as if she never left.

"But how...?" Lance asks quietly, voice shaking. His no-longer-deceased girlfriend walks towards them.

"When I... Used my magic to form Altea, I uploaded my consciousness to a flash drive. It was a last-minute plan, so that's why no one knew. Pidge found it and figured out how to copy my DNA from resources here. The process took a while and I've been awake for the last week doing tests to make sure I'm healthy."

Lance stands up and moves to her, looking her up and down to make sure she's real. The princess is worried he's upset until he goes to hug her.

The group rejoices and parties for the night before the festival. Everyone cheers and tells stories of their own adventures and discoveries. Soon things start to calm down, and Pidge decides to try a new wine that was set on the table.

"Whoa easy with that one," Keith warns. "The planet I got this from was teeming with beautiful wildlife and different fruits and the natives made super strong drinks from them."

"Well, now I really wanna try it." Pidge grins and tops off her glass and sips at it. "This is amazing!"

"Please drink it slowly. That one sip will hit you hard in about an hour." Keith goes on, but can't help but smile a little at her enthusiasm.

"So, Pidge. I may have overheard you talking to your mother the other day..." Coran starts, testing the waters. Pidge gives him a look to continue. "Are you planning to adopt a child from earth soon?"

Pidge takes a larger sip of wine. "We were thinking about it... When I was working with Allura I still tried to find a way to... Replicate my eggs but... No luck so far."

Keith looks at her. "Babe you never told me." He wraps an arm around her gently and she leans into him.

"It was just a quick thing. I wasn't expecting much, but I just thought I'd try." Pidge drinks half her glass of wine and yawns.

Hunk starts to clear the now empty dishes. "That's our cue. Everyone out. You don't have to go to bed but you can't stay here."

Everyone says their goodnights and retires to their own activities. Kieth takes Pidge back to her room a d lays her in bed.

He changes into his own pajama shorts, saves the shirt for another night. He strips Pidge down to her underwear and pulls her own oversized shirt over her head. He crawls in bed himself and holds her close. Not even a few minutes later, however, Pidge is very much awake and very needy.

Two weeks later~

"I dunno what I'm worried for... It's impossible... It has to be something else... There has to be another reason for hey!"

"Hey, lady mumbles... You doing okay?" Keith knocks on the bathroom door, trying to check on Pidge.

"Y-yeah I'm fine! I'll be out in a minute! Go on and start setting up without me!" She says, not taking her eyes off the little white stick in her hand.

"Alright, just be careful getting down to the site!" Keith says through the door. Pidge mumbles an 'okay'. She gets up and washes her hands, and turns over the pregnancy test.

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