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Pidge becomes more nervous the longer it takes Allura to speak. Is she being kicked off the team? Are they going to send her home?

"Pidge, I wanted to talk to you about some complications we had with the healing pod."

'What? But I feel fine.' Pidge thinks, certain there was just an error in the system.

"But I feel perfectly healthy. What could be wrong?"

"While you were in the pod, an assessment was done to pinpoint every injury. You had broken bones, damaged organs, and multiple surface wounds. Everything was healed perfectly, even your hair and nails grew a noticeable length."

Pidge just now looks at her hands, and her nails, usually uneven and short from being bitten, are now neatly trimmed and meet her fingertips. Her hair also touches her shoulders and any bruises or scrapes she had are now gone.

"So what's the problem if everything is okay?"

"A slightly more...invasive injury to your lower stomach was highlighted after so long. Your ovaries were badly damaged and the organ itself was able to be restored, but the eggs inside unique to your body could not be replicated like your other cells."

Pidge takes in the information and her rational mindset takes over. "So I'm okay, I just won't ever... be able to have kids..."

"Unfortunately, yes." Allura has no other words to say. What else could she say? 'Im sorry?' Probably not the most sincere. But Pidge answers the question for her.

"Allura can I have a hug?" The small paladin asks quietly, and without hesitation, the princess moves over to the bed and pulls her into her lap. pidge cries quietly. No hysterics, no loud sobs, just soft and broken crying. Allura finds Pidge's wolf toy on her pillow and hands it to her. Any other circumstance and she might have been embarrassed, but she only takes the toy and holds it to her chest while leaning on Allura.

"Don't worry. That witch will get what's coming to her, " Allura says and gives a small smile. "Especially if Keith has any say in it."

"Did he tell you guys when I was out?"

"He didn't need to. The only time he wasn't watching over you, talking to you, or reading to you, he was eating or sparring. And I don't think things will change until you are fully functional."

Pidge sniffs and cracks a smile. Did he really do all of that? He really does care about her. As much as her physical situation should bother Pidge, she really doesn't want to dwell on what she can't change.

"He read to me?" She asks curiously and looks up at Allura. The princess smiles and pets her head.

"Almost every night. The space mice showed him some books hidden under your bed and he read those to you. And he slept in that chair by the door, and even during meals, he would eat in here to see if you would wake up. In fact, Keith and the mice were the only ones allowed to take care of you.

Pidge can't help but smile. Her crush loves her. He took care of her...and the whole team knows...shit.

"So..." Pidge starts to speak. "Is everything going to stay the same? Even though I'm a..." Her voice trails off and she looks down unable to say it. Allura puts a comforting hand on her shoulder.

"Pidge, know one thinks of you in any negative way. You are still a paladin of voltron and the team wouldnt be the same without you." She smiles at pidge before shrugging slightly. "Also I've personally known for a while."

"Wait what!?!" Pidge says suprised, causing Allura to laugh.

"Yes I have known. I was going to speak to you about it privately but then you were taken. Although I do wish it was menchioned before... Haggar didn't seem to have the most dignified methods..." Allura looks at her and Pidge hugs her knees. "Pidge it's alright. She cant hurt you anymore. The others and myself will make sure nothing like this happens to anyone again."

Pidge looks up with a small bit of hope. "I know Allura. Thank you." She smiles and stretches her legs. "I think I'm okay to go out now."

"The others will be glad to see you up and about." The princess turns and hands pidge a stack of clothes; a pair of white shorts and a pastel green t-shirt. She changes and opens the door. The other paladins greet her with joy and suprise. They drag her away to the kitchen for a celebratory breakfast for her, dinner for them. She enjoys herself for a while. However, the stares she is getting from Keith don't go unnoticed. After the meal everyone goes to their seperate activities. The green paladin returns to her room, but stops short of the door when someone grabs her arm.

Pidge turns startled. "Kieth! It's you..." She says calming down. The red paladin lets go and steps back.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you I just... haven't had a lot of time with you awake." Kieth admits, seemingly embarrased. Pidge gives a small smile.

"Allura told me about what you did when I was out... it was all very sweet." Without thinking, Pidge stands on her toes and pecks Kieths cheek. He blushes and leans in to kiss her lips.

"Wait," Pidge holds her hands up and Kieth pauses. "Kieth before this goes farther... The reason the pod said something was still wrong but nothing was happening..."

"I know." kieth says and Pidge looks at him slightly suprised. "We were all alerted when it said you needed to be removed from the pod... The alarm wasn't exactly subtle."

"So you still wanna be with me? Even though..." She doesnt need to finish as kieth smiles and nods. "Well in that case...did you wanna spend the night?" Keith gladly accepts the invitation and nobody questions it when the two paladins are the last to join the others for breakfast.

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