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It isn't the most ideal situation, but Pidge has been in worse. Her armor and body suit taken, shes left in her tank top and cloth shorts.

"What do you still want with me? I dont have whatever you're looking for so just let me go!" She shouts and thrashes in the chains holding her wrists to the ceiling and her ankles to the floor.

Haggar turns her back to the console she was working on and faces Pidge. "What exactly did you read from that information?"

"We didnt pay attention. We just downloaded it and erased-" Pidge starts to tell Haggar the truth but is quickly slapped.

"Liar! Now tell me what you know!" The witches hand glows bright purple and Pidge cant breathe. No pain, no contact, just a lack of air.

Suddenly, an interuption from one of Haggars henchmen saves her from passing out.

"High priestess, the transmission is ready." At this, Haggar drops her spell and Pidge gasps for air.

"Thank you. Leave us until you are required again. " The witch orders. The henchman bows and leaves the room.

Pidge hangs her head and listens to the static from the console until Alluras voice could be heard. She doesnt lift her head, but focuses her eyes on the large screen. An image of Allura and the other paladins apears.

"Haggar. It has been brought to my attention that you have Pidge hostage. Might I ask what your reasons are?" No matter the situation, Alura never fails to speak like a princess. Always serious and diplomatic, yet still concerned and emotional.

"You have something. Information crucial for a.... personal goal of mine. Might I warn you, princess. When it is viewed I know who has seen it. That yellow one and your precious little green paladin have both viewed my information and must die!" As haggar speaks, her tone becomes more threatening and she gets closer to Pidge before quickly gripping her hair and yanking her head back to expose her neck. Before anything can be done, Alura speaks again.

"Haggar, they may have seen it, but Coran and I are the only ones who can read it!" Allura tries to reason. However, that wasnt the complete truth. Along with the altean alphabet, Pidge had also been trying to learn gallran as well.

Haggar holds her sharp nails against Pidges throat, as if waiting to be dared to move. No one would have even noticed the spell on Hunk had he not gasped for air.

"Haggar, please. We dont know what your plans are, we just want Pidge back. If we can arrange a trade on a nearby planet, I suggest we start there." Once again, Alluras strict, political tone takes over. Anything to prevent violence.

"Very well," the witch lets go of Pidge and pushes her head forward. "We will meet here." She flicks her wrist and an image of a planet appears on screen. From whatever galran Pidge can recognize, she can tell the the planet is hostile. The terain is rugged and the only life forms there are cannibalistic due to a lack of rescources.

"No!" The pladin screams. "Its a trap! Dont listen-!" She tries to warn her friends, but was cut short by another spell.

"You lie! You can understand our words!" The witch's eyes glow with anger and she turns back to the screen. "Dont you dare view my work if you wish for your little girlfriend to return with all her limbs attatched."

Pidges eyes widen, not from the threat, but how Haggar addressed her as.... her. Before she can even hope that no body caught the statement, Coran pipes up.

"Um, sorry to interrupt, but I do believe you are mistaken as Pidge is a male."


Pidge groans internally and tries to focus on her breathing. Corans statement catches Haggar slightly off guard before she smirks and moves behind Pidge.

"Oh, I see. You must not have told them," She says sweetly into the little paladins ear, loud enough for the others to just barely hear.

"Please... dont..." Pidge pleads, tears slowly making there way down her cheeks. Haggar however, ignores her and continues.

"After careful examination of even the simple physical appearance of many different species, it should be fairly clear that this puny little thing is infact a human female." Pidges heart pounds in her ears. She didnt even know she was shaking until now. Haggar takes note of Pidges stress and loosens her magic hold on the girls throat before leaning once again into her ear. "Aw, having trouble breathing? Maybe this will help." Swiftly, yet painfully, she digs her nails into Pidges back, cutting away the hooks and straps holding her bra in place. The now useless cloth slips from under her tanktop and falls to the floor. She can feel the others starring at her through the screen and every fearful thought shes ever had floods her mind at once. She hangs her head and Haggar steps back infront of the console.

"You said you wished to initiate a trade? However, the small one was honest about one thing. That original planet is hostile. The nearby moon though, is not. We will meet there. My research for your friend."

"Um... yes. Very well, I look forward to seeing Pidge again... and in one piece." The princess says this last part in a rather threatening tone, to which Haggar chuckles and says,

"Oh, princess. I said you would get the girl, but I never promised she'd be in one piece." And she cuts the transmission, and she turns back to a very shakey, and fearful Pidge.

"Why... what was the point of that? " she sniffs and glances up. Haggar grips her chin and lifts her head.

"Trust, dear. If they cant trust you to be honest about something as valuable as your identity, can they trust anything you say? Now... to see what you do know..." she holds her hands on Pidges temples, and proceeds to pick through every memory that could be used against her.

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