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"I have her under a small spell,  but it can only do so much." Allura says to Hunk while focusing her power on Pidge.

"Well,  lets hope its enough until we get her back to the castle." Hunk flies carefully and quickly until they reach the castle and lands in the bay.

The yellow paladin being the strongest,  carries Pidge all the way to the healing pods and places her inside. Coran pulls up a monitor and it gives a report on Pidges condition.

"Some of her internal organs are damaged, there are many large open wounds from a knife along her arms, legs and stomach, and an abundant amount of bruises. It also appears that there are cracks through a few of her ribs." Coran reads the screen to everyone. They all act like they're fine,  but inside,  everyone is devastaited.

"She will be okay, though. Right?" Lance speaks up,  trying to hide his almost tears.

"She should make a full recovery but we have to wait and see."

"So how long will she be out?" Keith speaks up from the back of the group. He has practically been a ghost until this morning,  so the paladins were a little suprised to hear him speak.

"It shouldnt be longer than two days. But then she will need to rest and take it slow for a while after." Coran answers. Keith gives him a nod,  and walks to his room.


Pidge cant hear much, but she knows that she's safe where she is. Its strange not being able to make out the words,  but still being able to know whos talking. She can hear Coran babbling on about something, and then Lance, and back to Coran.

She tries to listen and keep herself awake,  but shes so tired and the healing pod is so warm. She couldnt open her eyes even if she wanted to. Everything around her is just so quiet. She gives up on staying concious and lets her body go limp.

Suddenly, Pidge's pillow cushions her head and her blankets pin down her body. Shes not in the pod anymore. Her lungs act on their own. She takes in a sharp gasp and starts to choke on air.



Without another thought, Pidge starts to cry and loses control of her breath once again. She feels him hold her hand and she stuggles to grip it as tight as she can.

"Keith... I-I'm sorry... I didnt want to...please...dont hate me...." The small paladin cries harder, and tries to hold her friend longer. The red paladin however, is only worried for her safety.

"Shh... Take a breath. You still arent completely healed. It got to a point where the pod could no longer heal you and you just didn't wake up." Keith himself is now fighting his own tears and brushing Pidge's hair from her eyes. She slowly opens them to see her friend give the biggest smile, happy to see her okay. Unable to keep herself under control, she sits up quickly and sobs into the strongers shoulder.

"Keith...i missed you so much... And i was so scared... I...I love you, Keith..." The two listen and sit, holding eachother. Pidge keeps going. "Haggar... Went through my memories...and she found out and she....she kept saying you would never love me back and... That you would hurt me... Sometimes I just wanted her to kill me..."

As Pidge continues to cry, Keith does everything he can to comfort her. "Are you really going to believe a glowing space-rasin over me?" The smaller chuckles at the comment as he rubs circles on her back. "Pidge, I love you too. And I promise I would never hurt you.

For the first time in weeks, Pidge smiles. For this moment, everything is okay. She's finally safe and Her crush just said he loves her back. The moment is broken however, when Coran enters the room.

"Pidge! Your finally awake! Hey everyone! Shes awake!" The altean man shouts excitedly and Pidge mentally cringes at being reffered to as 'she'. The feeling passes, and the others rush in.

Everyone doesnt seem upset at all. They are just relieved she is okay. Lance is the biggest loud-mouth and brags about how it was his idea to mess with the files by downloading a virus that scrambled the words and letters in the documents, and deleted partial files. Of course, that was mostly Hunk and Coran's handy-work. Shiro gives Pidge some new clothes he altered from the space mall (who knew he could sew?) And Hunk brings in the best space breakfast Pidge has ever had. Allura stands near the back with a sad smile, and after everyone has had their time, she quietly asks everyone to leave.

"Alright, lets remember. Pidge is still going to be grounded for at least a week. No fighting until everything is back in order. Now go on. We all agreed I would tell her."

Suddenly, everyones smiles fade and they bow their heads. Pidge becomes nervous.
"Tell me what?" She says quietly. Keith puts a hand on her shoulder and kisses the top of her head.

"It'll be okay. I'll be right outside and I'll come right back in when your done." He steps out and joins the others, leaving his princess and the alien princess alone.

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