the exchange

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Keith has barely spoken since the last meeting about getting Pidge back, and that was two cycles ago. He wouldn't even stop to eat if Hunk wasn't the one cooking. Everyone tries to include him in group meals, training sessions, meetings, but he always declines.

Today, Lance even apologized for what he said about Pidge. Keith gave him a half hearted acceptance, and then went back to slashing training bots.

Everyone has begun to worry, and has taken steps to get him to slow down. Coran had opted the training room to shut down at random, but Keith just found a stationary set to use. No one could force feed him, so they have resorted to placing meals where he would see them.

When everyone is asleep however, he talks to the space mice. They bring him some of Pidge's things, like her para-cord bracelets or sketchbook covered in stickers. It may seem nosy, but it helps calm Keith to try and figure Pidge out. Learning little things about her filled him with more curiosity and he wanted to get to know her better.
Of course, he and the mice know certain limits. For example, looking at the stickers on her sketchbook is okay, but he knows looking at the books contents would most likely not be okay without her permission. The boy and the animals would play a kind of game. He would ask a question, and the mice would answer with an object, a nod, or a shrug.

Asking about her family was answered with a photo from under her pillow. Upon further investigation, Keith learns that the girl is her, and the boy is her older brother. Questioning her hobbies would trigger one mouse to sit on a case filled with used colored pencils, another on top of her personal earth laptop, and the third next to the game console purchased from the space mall.

The fourth cycle comes around, and Keith actually gets a decent amount of sleep. He wakes up to the smell of some alien breakfast, slightly resembling bacon, hash-browns, and what Keith hopes is steak.

"Hey, look who finally decided to join us," Lance announces, being the first to see Keith enter the kitchen. "Hurry up and grab something. Shiro and Allura are already on the bridge. Hunk is cleaning and then he'll join us too." The blue paladin stands and fumbles past Keith, giving them each a good look at the dark circles under the others eyes. Keith does as instructed, and meets the others after suiting up.


"Your friends are here for you." Haggar says through the door of Pidge's cell. Inside, the green paladin is tired, and bruised. The witch opens the door and kneels at Pidge's level. Light from the bright hallway shines on her bandages from the endless torture of the last four cycles.

"What makes you think... they even want me back?" Pidge chokes out, her voice quiet and strained. Haggar grips her chin and says cheerfully, "Because i know everything. Now get up. We need to leave quickly after the exchange."

Not giving up on her stubbornness, Pidge hangs her head and doesn't move. Shes hit, kicked, and practically stabbed, but she doesn't move until a guard throws her over his shoulder and carries her outside. The yellow and blue lions can be seen just across the small planets landscape. Haggar announces that she will send the guard over with Pidge, and the paladins will send her research over with a drone.

Before she realizes it, Pidge is being carried to the yellow lion.

"Has rover returned?" That's Allura's voice. More concern in her tone now compared to the video call.

"Yeah hes charging in Lances lion." Hunk says, and lays Pidge down. Allura places a hand over her wrapped shoulder and she tenses.

"This isn't good. Tell Coran to prepare the healing pods." As the princess says this, the lion starts to head towards the castle and Pidge feels a gentle hand touch her hair. "You'll be okay." And with that, a soft blue light fills the space, and Pidge falls asleep.

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