Just another Mission

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The entire time everyone was in there lions, Keith unconsiously hovered closer to Pidge. When he was called out for it on multiple occasions, he would imidiatly hover away, but then get this gut instinct to go back. He couldnt help but feel that something was going to go wrong and he needed to protect Pidge.

Now, they are all at their posts within the cargo ship, Keith watching the machinery with Lance, while Hunk and Pidge hack the systems for the needed information the ships logs supposedly held.

"Any second now, and all the data will be transferred." Pidge says cooly and leans back in the chair. This mission was going suprisingly well, but it was just a cargo ship.

"Awesome, cuz I got some new recipies to start on with the alien produce Shiro found." Hunk gets all smiley, and starts to bounce on his heels. This makes Pidge smile, and the data has finished transfering to Pidges hard-drive. She and Hunk alert the others and plan to re-group in the bay of the ship. All is well until blasters can be heard through Lance and Keiths communicators.

"Guys, I think we found out what those machines are for!!!!" Lance shrieks into everyones ears and they all rush across the ship to the machinery bay. Once all the paladins rush in, they see Lance and Keith against the back wall, being gunned down by large machines that appear to infuse centries and tanks.

Without thinking, Pidge and Hunk jump infront of the machine and Shiro slashes at it from behind. Tieing it with Pidges bayard helps little to restrain it, bht now for long. Hunks cannon doesnt seem to have too much effect either. Suddenly, a few soldiers come in and start fireing.

After what felt like hours, but was only a few minutes, one of the soldiers shoots something at Pidge, and neon purple ropes wrap around her body. She knows what they realy want and thrashes around violently until the small plastic had-drive falls out of the pocket attatched to her armor.

"Pidge no!!" Lance notices first and prepares to attack, but freezes, not wanting to hit Pidge in the process.

"Just go! I'll be fine!" She shouts back.


"Just run!!!!" She screams before being dragged into a pod as another machine starts up. Through the window, she sees Keith rushing the soldiers before shes flying off into space.


With a new found anger, Keith tries to rush the soldiers, his bayard glowing. More of the machines turn on and start shooting.

"Keith we have to move!!!" Hunk tries to pull him back as the jets on the pod start and Pidge is gone. It takes both Shiro and Hunk to pull Keith back, while Lance holds off the machines.

"Get to the lions!!! Now!!!" Shiro orders, and without a second thought, everyone goes to the lions and begins shooting at the ship with whatever cargo was left behind.

Suddenly, the green lion roars, and begins chasing after the smaller ship Pidge had been taken in. Just as it was about to strike, the ship dissapeared into a small worm hole. The lion stopped, not having any clue of where to go next. Keith notices this, and begins something close to a tantrum.

"No no NO!! I knew something was going to happen!!! I just knew!!! We have to get him back-" He is cut off by Shiro.

"Keith thats enough!! We are all upset Pidge was captured but crying about it now isnt going to help. We need to get back to the castle, and come up with a plan." Everyone pauses, and nothjng is heard except Keiths breathing. Without another word, he is the first to begin again in the direction of the castle and everyone arrives silent.

Allura meets them, imediatly noticing the green paladins absence. Shiro is the one to explain what happened.

"We managed to get some basic supplies along with parts for the ship, but the machines they had needed to be destroyed. They were too dangerous even for us to have." He says while helping unload one of the ships.

"I see," Allura starts,"What about the information Pidge was supposed to recieve? Perhaps somewhere within it is a place they may have taken him."

Hunk jumps from his lion excitedly. "About that info, Pidge put it on this hard-drive. He was really smart and put it somewhere on the outside of his armor." He hands it to Allura. "I realized when it fell off him, he wasnt thrashing around trying to escape. He knew they wanted to get this back. Whatever is on there must be really important."

"Brilliant work, Hunk. I'll have Coran analize this and then we'll all come up with a plan to get Pidge." Allura proposes, and everyone agrees, except Keith. He needs to make sure Pidge is safe now. Not later. Just as he is about to storm off to his room, Coran calls them all to the bridge. They were recieving a transmisson from....

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