First Meeting

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"My baby!" My mother held me gently as tears streamed down her eyes. I tried my best to return the hug, but my arms refused to listen. The pain was unbearable, but seeing my mother and father sorrowful hurt even worse. I seriously have to stop ending up like this, I hate making my parents worry about me. "Mom, I'm okay. I promise. Please don't cry." My fingers rubbed her lower back gently as she held me and sniffled some more.

"Thank you Goddess...thank you, goddess...," She whispered softly close to my ear. My father held us both in his arms, and for the longest time, no one said a word. I was relieved that no one was angry at me. We just held each other, and I think I needed that more than anything. Comfort. From everything I've been going through, I've gone through it alone. This whole time I've never had anyone by my side. Sure, some people have helped, but honestly, I don't know where I stand with them. I won't dare say we're friends, even if I wanted to think that at one point. Especially one guy who I wanted to understand, but I realized too late that there was never anything to understand except for one thing. It wasn't meant to be. I wish I could have gone back and stopped every stupid thing I did. But, you can't change the past.

The one thing I have to remember is that in this life, I do have people I can trust. Those people are my parents. I should have relied on them in the past. The good thing about this second life is little by little, you learn from your previous mistakes. That's what I plan to do now. So after we all calm down, I tell them what happened. Well, rather all I remember from that night. I was upset about the test situation, and then I heard the voice. That's what I'm calling it now since I still can't confirm what was real and what wasn't.

"Okay, so this Brittany girl is the one who said you cheated on your exam." I nodded as my father sat in a chair beside my bed and my mother decided to sit in the bed with me. He crossed his arms, clearly upset, "Unreal."

"Why would she say such a thing in front of the whole school?" My mother rubbed my hand in a soothing gesture as she looked at me. "Isn't it obvious? That girl is jealous of Rosalia. We need to have a word with her parents now. No one bullies my daughter and gets away with it!"

"Honey, calm down, we can solve this without hostility,"

"Meghan, she's the reason our daughter is the latest gossip. If we don't take this seriously, that Bonnie girl is gonna think she can do whatever she want to Rosalia. We gotta put her in her place!"

"Um...," I looked at my dad, "Her name is Brittany."

"Bonnie. Brittany. Whatever the hell her name is! She needs to be dealt with. Now." Dad's eyes began to turn grey and I could tell that his wolf was coming out. Uh oh. That's not good. When papa wolf comes out, it's fight now, and don't talk later. Mom quickly goes to his side and holds his hand gently.

"David, I need you to calm down, you don't want to scare Rose do you?" My mother's voice was gentle and calming as dad began to calm down. He sighed covering her eyes. "I'm sorry honey. I just can't believe someone did this to our baby girl." He walked over to me and held my hands. "Don't worry sweetie. Your mother and I will fix this."

As much as that makes me feel better. I hate the fact that I'll be relying on my parents to defend me. I can hear the backlash now. Sixteen-year-old still babied by her mom and dad. Goddess, how humiliating.

"I don't know how much good that'll do. I can't prove that she lied and made it up, because there's proof against me," That's the hard truth to swallow. Brittany still has the upper hand on me unless I can prove my speculation that she framed me. I have no idea how to do that.

"That's right. We can't just go up to her and say she lied with no proof honey," Mom and dad shared a glance at one another. As they continued the conversation back and forth with one another, I couldn't help but stay in deep thought. As humiliating as it was to tell my parents about the situation, I feel like I'm out of options. They're the only ones I can turn to and trust. They believe me when no one else will. But still, I wish I didn't have to rely on them. I'm not a child anymore, and I wish I could handle my problems on my own. I know I'm not strong enough, but I don't want to be seen as a baby.

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