The Meeting

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I'm the quiet type. Always has been. Always will be. The total opposite of my twin brother Cody. However, lately, instead of the happy, goofy, and cheery personality that he's always carrying around, he's taken a hit with a dose of cruel reality. It's not the same. We both can't be quiet. However, how can I blame him? A lot has happened in the last few days. We've had to pick up the pieces of our community as a good portion of our home was in shambles. All the disheartened faces of those who lost their homes make you feel guilty for still having somewhere to sleep at night. The stench of rotten corpses still lingers in the woods as the memory of the blood permanently staining the lands remains in my mind.

It hasn't been easy for me, my brother, or any of the guys. I haven't seen the others in a few days. We've all been busy with work and trying to fix our broken home. The destruction of the pack has been the talk of the town. Who destroyed the pack? Is this a declaration of war? Is this a bad omen? Hearing the endless possibilities of why such a horrible thing has happened can be too much. Even for a beta such as myself.

After 3 days, Liam has called us for a meeting. He didn't say what was the reason on the phone. It has to be face to face. I'm hoping it's the solution to this problem that seems never-ending. Please Moon Goddess, let Liam have some good news. I look to the side in the passenger seat to see Cody resting. We've both been working non-stop. It's finally taken its toll on my younger brother. I rub my eyes feeling the extent of my exhaustion. It feels like years since the last time I slept even though it's only been a few days. Now isn't the time for sleeping. Hopefully, I pray that finally we get some answers. The engine of the car roars as I begin our journey on the road.



Her pure sleeping face brings a sense of calm into me. She's been sleeping for a few hours now since I brought her to the palace. This might not be the best place for me to bring her, but it's the safest place I can keep her. I won't allow anyone or anything to but her again. That's the least I can do for her. Gently, I remove a strand of hair from her face. This is the closest that we've been. I don't know if that's amazing or if that's sad. We're mates fated to be together by the Moon Goddess. Whenever I'm around her, I feel the pull between us. She is my mate, and I am hers. And yet, we aren't close at all. We never have been.

Why is it that only until a few months ago, I wanted to be around her? I had to be around her. I wanted to talk with her and make sure she's okay. At one point, I almost claimed her in front of many eyes. Thinking back on that, I realize how absurd and foolish that would have been. But at that moment, I had to have her. If we're mates, why has it taken this long for the mate effect to happen? Rosalia was made for me, and yet, I've treated her horribly. I've pushed her to the side, I've ignored her, I've humiliated her, I've found her annoying and to be a pain, and I've even hated her at one point.

But why?

She's never done anything wrong to me or by me. However, something within me made me want to do wrong to her. I'm ashamed of my previous behavior. I look at my hand that I used to touch her moments ago. I don't deserve to touch her. Nor do I deserve to claim her as my own. My heart stings a bit admitting that statement. It hurts to say what's right, but am I selfish to still want to claim her? She was given to me by the Moon Goddess herself, and yet what have I shown for it? 18 years have passed, and all I've ever done is bring her down instead of lifting her up like the trophy she is. She's more than that, but I can't admit it.

Someone like me doesn't deserve Rosalia. Not just because of what I've done to her in the past, but because of what I did in the past that I regret till this day. The guilt eats away at me, and the pain still lingers. Such a foolish choice I made all because I wanted to rebel against my fate. If I could go back in time and heed my mother's words, maybe now the pain I feel every time I look at Rosalia wouldn't feel like a million knives piercing my dysfunctional heart. I can admit that I'm a mess. I've been one since the beginning. I've made my mistakes. I've let people down. I've hurt the ones that I was supposed to love. For that reason alone, I am not perfect. Maybe before all this, I was perfect. But not anymore. I've destroyed my "perfect image" for the one person it should have been perfect for her.

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