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I feel the cool wind hit my face and surround my body as I descend towards the ground. The ground gets closer and closer, and my body freezes. I need to land on my feet, but my body won't listen. No, it's not that, I'm too afraid. I shouldn't have jumped! At the very least, I need to brace for impact. Closing my eyes as tight as I can, I wait for my body to connect with the ground as hard as possible, but it doesn't happen. My body remains motionless as I gently sway from side to side.

There's no way I've landed. Even if I've died, I should have felt my skull crack upon collision with the ground. Slowly opening my eyes, I see the ground, although beneath me, still a distance away. Did I get caught on something?

"Miss! Are you alright?!," Calls out a sweet and gentle voice. I look up to see my savior from my jump and it belongs to a girl. I'm amazed to see how young she looks with her red locks flowing gently with the wind. But I really shouldn't be focusing on that seeing how she's hanging on the edge of the opened window with one foot against the wall. She doesn't look afraid, rather it's more of a concerned and worried look for me. I don't even know who she is, but she cares enough to stop my fall.

"Hold on! I'll pull you back up!" With all her strength, she begins lifting me back up. For a moment, my mind blanks out until I realize by looking back down how terrifying it is to be so high from the ground. If she hadn't grabbed me, I would have fallen to my death. The thought sends shivers down my spine, and I begin to tremble heavily. It replays over and over in my head.

I would have died.

If she didn't grab me, I would have died

If I had fallen and hit the ground, I would have died.

Oh, Goddess. My free hand covers my mouth to stop the sickness from rising from the pit of my stomach. I close my eyes shut tight, and hear how heavy my breathing is. What's happening to me?

"Miss! Help has arrived, so you don't have to be afraid anymore."

I don't get the chance to ask who she's called for before hearing the voice myself.

"ROSALIA!" I open my eyes and quickly look up to see Liam from the window looking down at me with such distraught. At that moment I remember why I jumped out the window in fear. I was trying to get away from him before he did something horrible to me. I start thrashing my body immediately.

The girl panics as she tries to get a good grip on me, "Miss! What are you doing?!"


"Rosalia! Stop!" I scream to the top of my lungs without even realizing how loud that was to the both of them. I couldn't help it. I felt like my heart was gonna drop. Hearing from one of the maids that Rosalia jumped made me stop the meeting abruptly. I've never run so fast in my entire life. I was on the other side of the palace, so I had to shift into my wolf because I didn't want to waste any time. Orion is faster for us in wolf form, and he ran like his life depended on it. It did. For the both of us.

"Let me go!" Rosalia screamed. She kept repeating the phrase over and over again. My heart, pounding by the minute. Why is she trying to fall?! I looked down as Rosalia kept kicking and screaming trying to get out of Ashley's grip. Ashley wouldn't and continued to have a firm grip on Rosalia's wrist. Tears burst out of Rosalia's eyes as she began to beg and plead for Ashley to let go. Ashely was torn from her reaction and looked up at me.

I couldn't stand by and watch any longer. Walking through the opened windows, I jumped down and grabbed the edge of a nearby window. I was side by side to her as she stopped moving and only continued sobbing. My heart ached painfully and Orion howled feeling the same.


Why is she trying so hard to get away? Why does she go to this extent? Is it me? I know I haven't treated her right due to the past. I admit that I was wrong, but I never want my mate to feel like this. As if she has to end it all over this. However, that only makes my heart ache more. It's not that she wants to get away from this place. Rather, she wants to escape as if she's a prisoner. For a moment she opens her eyes and our eyes meet for a brief second before fear takes over and she looks away. I know she didn't expect me to be there, but that reaction shakes the root of my core. As if a new opening was broke through to me. Rosalia is afraid of me?

No. Shaking my head, not wanting to believe such a ridiculous thing. She can't be afraid of me. I've done nothing wrong!

"But you have, Liam. We both have."

"Orion!" I bare my fangs in anger and give off a warning growl to not piss me off. I don't want to hear that bullshit right now! However, I wish I hadn't let my anger get the better of me. My loud growl causes Rosalia to scream in fear. If my heart ached before, it shattered at the sound of her terror. All because of me. I know all I've done to this girl, but recently I thought we had gotten better. She seemed like she was okay having me close by. Even if she didn't say much, or do much of anything, she never showed she was afraid of me. For this to happen now, makes me question if this is how she's always felt.

Maybe she was just keeping it all in. That has to be the case, but why? I gently hold my hand out for her, not wanting to scare her any more than I have. "Rosalia, take my hand. It's gonna be okay."

She looks to see my hand and immediately kicks away from me, "No! Get away from me!" The sudden jerking movement causes Ashley to almost lose her balance, but she catches herself and holds on. I look to make sure she's fine, but looking back at Rosalia, I'm uncertain. I don't think I've been in a situation where I don't know what to do. I've been put in more difficult situations than I can remember, but at this moment, I don't know how to save my mate who's too afraid to let me near her. My hand that reached out to her begins to tremble.

I have to have her in my arms so that I know she'll be okay. If I can just grab her, she won't fall to her death, but she doesn't want me anywhere near her, let alone touching her. What...am I supposed to do?

"LIAM!" A loud shout from above reaches my ears and causes me to look up. It's Edward looking down in dismay at the situation we're in. Dammit! The last thing I need is for him to be worried over something I should have solved in minutes! But...I'm powerless. At least, that's how I feel, and it's fucking awful? I hate it. I know I could just grab her even if she screams to the top of her lungs and cries as I bring her back to safety, but I don't want to hurt her anymore. I promised not to hurt her again. That's what I said.

"Hang on! I'm coming to help!" Edward starts to climb out the window, and immediately I open my mouth, "No! Stay out of this Edward!"

"Now is not the time for you to have one of you fits Liam! Rose needs help!"

"You don't think I know that?! She's my mate, and I'm the one who needs to help her!"

Edward let out a frustrating sigh, "Well that's not helping, is it?!"

I wanted to respond, but I had nothing to say. Even my brother can tell she's afraid of me.


Okay....it's been a long time since an update. I don't know why I let it go this long. I apologize for that. I've mostly been studying for school and all, and that really takes a lot of time. Especially when you're trying to stay ahead of the game. But, I hope you enjoy this chapter even though it's not really my best work. 

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