Bad News

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This is bad. Like really bad. This isn't how I thought I'd spend my weekend at all. Taking care of rogues isn't a problem, however, when they're already dead and there are multiple piles of stacked bodies, it's a little concerning, to say the least. When you look around to see that a good portion of the community has been ruined, and that includes houses that have been destroyed, that's more concerning. These houses sheltered families and now these families have to reside in the packhouse. In a not so secret way, these people are homeless. I have two choices to make. I either help Soren with the not so walking dead or go to Liam and help with the damage. I've never liked cleaning, so I guess I'll take my chances on a zombie wolf biting me. I walk over to Soren and a team of detectives gathering the bodies, some taking pictures, others observing. 

It's only when I'm closer do I see that these wolves are headless. What the hell? 

Now that's very concerning!

Squatting down next to Soren as he puts on gloves and inspects one body. The body has no head. Obviously. Large claw marks start from its underbelly down to its - Oh my goddess! This wolf had to be a male because the sight I'm witnessing is horrifying! 

"Holy shit! What a way to fucking go..." Soren sighs at my comment. How is he not affected by this?! 

"Now is not the time for your jokes..." I turn to look at him, "Are we not seeing the same thing or are you just ignoring this?? Look at this shit!" 

Soren observes the marks for a moment before pulling out measuring tape. "I'm being mature, Allen." 

"Soren this guy's dick is cut in half! Vertically! His balls are gone!" I look at the body once more and something rises within me. God, I hope my breakfast doesn't come back up. I know he was a rogue, but damn, this wolf got it bad. He's just a slaughtered body. On a closer inspection, most of his fur is gone and all you can see is what lies under the skin. Muscle. In other words, a feast for the ants and any other animal that can get in on this action. His tail has been ripped off, and a good portion of dried-up blood shows a lot was lost from the area. "This is some sick shit...I know they were the enemies but I can't imagine dying like this." I had already sensed it earlier. The smell was horrendous just being close to one, but having this sensitive nose made it worse. Imagine the smell of one dead body and then imagine multiple ones all in the same area. 

The thought of someone discovering my corpse and they wouldn't even be able to tell if it was me off first glance because I look like a chunk of butchered meat is making my breakfast rise faster. 

I cover my mouth and try to hold it back. "Allen." 

 His face remains calm, but his eyes tell me a different story. It's like he's trying to hold back, but deep down he's terrified. I've never seen Soren like this. His pupils are so small I think they're about to disappear. He's trying to keep it together. 

"If this is too much for you, I think you should help the twins and Liam," At that moment, I feel like I was being insensitive. Of course, Soren would be terrified. Anyone would be. It's not just me. This is something that's never been seen, at least, not in our pack. Damn, well now I feel bad. I don't want to seem like a scaredy-cat, but Soren goes back to work before I can object. That's the silent code for me to leave. Begrudgingly, I turn away from the sight of a bloody massacre and make my way to a familiar alpha. As I walk over, I see the twins talking with some members. They're by huge remnants of what used to be a line of houses. That's a lot for something or somethings to take down. I decide to head over to the twins first. 

"How's everything going?" Zach looks at me and his face is just as grim as I thought it would be. When I look at Cody, it's the same result. Cody is usually the happiest and cheerful out of both of them and the whole group. Now that light in his eyes appears to be missing, and there's nothing to smile about in this situation. 

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