A Change in Little Ariel's Behavior

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A/N: Sorry about the wait everyone! Things with my son got really busy and I just could not find the time to give this chapter justice. I have seen that there are some new followers of this book and I would love to thank each and everyone of you for taking time out of the day to read this book. I am really liking how this this book is turning out and hope everyone is enjoying it as well! Anyway here is the chapter you have all been waiting for! Remember in Ariel's P.O.V. she is only three years old so she will be narrating and talking that way. Please do not comment and say that I have grammar or spelling issues whenever she talks because I will kindly remind you that it is a three year old talking.


After three wonderful years I started to notice a change in Ariella. One day she asked me if she could draw a picture of her new best friend. I went to get the art supplies and decided to join her. 

"So you have a new best friend?" I asked her as she drew.

"Uh huh mommy," Ariella said barely paying attention to me and focusing on her drawing .

I could not understand how she had met a new friend. At three years old she did not go to school yet and I did not have her enrolled in daycare. There were also no kids her age that lived on our street. As I sa there confused I took a quick peak at the drawing that she was working really hard on. What I saw was a fireball with a heart above it. You have to understaqand something about my sweet darling little girl. She is a fantastic artist even at the tender age of three. She loves to pour a lot of details within her drawings because according to her she loves to make it "pwetty!" So when I just saw a fireball with no detail on it, I was shocked to say the least. The fireball caused all kinds of questions to pop up in my head so I decided to just ask her about it. 

"Ariel what is that fireball with the heart over it?" I said with confusion.

"Oh dis?" Airel pointed to the fireball and I nodded. "Mommy that is my new best friend! I like her because she is beautiful and really warm!"

"But doesn't she look like you me?" I questioned her further. "Why does she have to be a fireball?" I had to choose my words carefully because Ariel is always very sensitive about her drawings.

"Siwee (She is saying silly her just in case you are wondering, lol!) mommy!" Ariel pointed at me and laughed. She looked straight at me and said, "That is how my fwiend wooks wike!" She shook her head and gave me a look like I should have known that her friend was a fireball and went back to her drawing.

"Oh okay sorry." I told her still very confused. I mean would you not be if your child told you her best friend was a fireball?! 

"Mommy," Ariel said. "Did you know that you cannot see my fwiend?" I shook my head no at her and she went on. "Her name is Mira and she said she came to protect me. I told her that she was siwee because my mommy keeps me safe!" 

"What did your friend Mira say after that?" I asked now fully convinced this was just an imaginary friend.

"Oh she kind of got mad at first and said that I should not call her siwee." Ariel said frowning. "I told her that I was sowee (Sorry lol) and I would never say that again. She smiled back at me and said that pretty soon she would need to protect me."

"Did she say what from?" I asked my full attention on her lovely story.

Ariel frowned and tried to remember. "No mommy. All she said was soon I would need her help." Ariel got up and proudly showed me her drawing. "Do you think Mira will wike it mommy?" She asked looking at me with those big brown eyes.

"I think she will LOVE it!" I hugged her close and watched as her face lit up in delight. This little girl gave me a reason to live everyday. As I watched her walk away I was so happy with my life that I did not even see that maybe I should be concerned with this new friend Mira. How could I? My life right then was perfect.

Three Year Old Ariel's P.O.V.

I was so happy about my dwawing (drawing lol) that I ran up the steps to see my fwiend Mira. As always she was right in room. As soon as I came in the room I knew she was mad but I thought my dwawing would make her happy. I was wrong.

"Wook Mira!" I said excitedly. "I made you a picture!"

Mira came flying so fast at me that I hit the wall in supwise. "HOW DARE YOU TELL SOMEONE ABOUT ME?!"

Uh oh I forgot that I was not aposed (supposed) to tell nobody, even mommy. I could tell that Mira was weawy (really) mad at me. I do not wike it when she is mad at me cause she is the onwy (only) fwiend I got.

"P-p-pwease M-m-mira, do not be mad!" I begged her shaking. "I did not mean to tell mommy! When I dwaw I do not pay attention to what I say!"

Mira paused and I sucked in my breaf as I waited for her to say someting. I did not know what else to do because when Mira gets mad it is weawy scawy (scary, lol)! Plus I do not want to go away from me just because I messed up bad.

Mira finally said, "Okay Ariel I understand." I let my breaf out. "But you need to understand that I do not want your mommy to find out about me. She will separate us if she figures out that I am real!

My eyes went wide and I said, "Mommy would not do that to me! She knows that you are my best fwiend!" I started shaking my head at Mira. She would not do that I know.

"YES SHE WOULD!!!" Mira screamed making me jump high. She took a breaf and said more calmly, "Listen Ariel you have to trust that everything I say is the truth. I know that you love your mommy but trust me she will separate us if she knew I was real. She would think that I am an evil thing called a demon but I am not. I am your guardian angel. You would not want to lose me now would you?"

"NO WAY!" I yelled.

"Then let us let her think I am just an imaginary friend for now." Mira laughed weirdly. Yes I think that will do for now!" She said quietly.

"Uh Mira can we pway a game now?" I begged her.

"Sure," she said. We pwayed my favorite boardgame, Candyland, until I fell asleep.

Past Mira's P.O.V.

So little mommy knows about me now! Hmm now it is time for me to start part one of my evil plan, which is turn Ariel against her mommy! Ha that will teach her mother some manners! She has to know her place anyway right?! HOW DARE SHE EVEN ACT AS ARIEL'S MOTHER WHEN I AM HER TRUE MOTHER!!!! SHE WILL PAY!!!! Even if I have to kill her if it comes down to it I will do it! No one will get in my way of getting to Ariel! NO ONE! Bwahahahaha!!!!!

Grace's P.O.V.

How could I have known that things were fixing to change so drastically that it would nearly bring me to the brink of insanity?! I guess you are wondering where Ariel's dad is in all of this. Well you see he works a lot of hours as a mechanic at the Pepsi plant, and we hardly see him. It is okay though because he more than makes up for it when he is off and when he comes home. If I had known what I know now, I would have pushed for a little more time with him, as he really was the love of my life. However as they say, hindsight is 20/20 and I just did not have the insight to know what would happen. That dang Mira! To think that she would go this far to hurt me for something I did not even know I did is horrifying. But I am going way off track. It all started when....

A/N: Cliffhanger!! I know I know go on and hate me for it! The next chapter is going to be full of action and sadness so prepare your waterworks because I plan on updating soon! Hmm it seems that Mira is showing her evil side now, however little Ariel is too young to understand. What is the horrible thing she does to Grace and will Ariel find out? Tune into the next chapter and you will find out! Read/vote/comment! Love you all! I could not decide what video or picture goes with this chapter sorry!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2015 ⏰

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