With Power There Can Still Be Panic

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A/N: I know it has been awhile since I have last updated and I am so sorry for those that have been waiting. I have been in a lot of pain and I have been super busy too! Plus I had a little writer's block too because I just could not get this chapter right! I have literally wrote this chapter three different ways and finally I am satisfied with the way I wrote it! I hope everyone had a great Easter and I hope that you love this chapter! I have dedicated this chapter to @Vaish_Princess because she has been so supportive of this book and other books. Plus she is a sweet person as well!

I put my hand on my wrist and pointed it toward the cage of fire that was around Serena and said, "Cage of fire made of red, right now you are alive but I want you dead!"

A beam of white light shot out from my wrist and surrounded Serena's cage. The white beam started destroying the fire that was keeping Serena trapped. Then the white beam started to shine brighter and brighter until I had to close my eyes so they didn't hurt. I heard an explosion and then looked to see Serena running over to me to give me a big hug.

"Oh Ariel thank you for saving me and I'm sorry that I didn't believe you!" Serena cried.

"It's okay," I said. "I love you still and I forgive you! Afterall Miradelisa is manipulative and I could understand that you were scared because I involved you."

"Hate to break up this nauseating reunion, but you are still not going anywhere!" Miradelisa screamed menacingly. Suddenly she burst in flames and started charging at us full speed but I was one step ahead of her. I moved away just in time and grabbed my wrist and said, "Beam of light come to thou and stun Miradelisa right here and now!"

A beam of light surrounded me and then shot towards Miradelisa. It pinned her to the ground to where she could not move, but I knew it wouldn't last.

"Come on Serena we have to get out of here now!" I screamed as I grabbed her hand. However when I reached the door it wouldn't open.

"Ha I told you that you would not escape me this time!" Miradelisa exclaimed with an evil grin. "Even though you have me pinned down I can still block the door with my magic!"

"No we have to get out of here!" I cried and started to panic. I frantically started shooting beams of light at the door over and over. However nothing was working at all! Seriously with all this power and I still fall short in trying to get away from Miradelisa! I didn't know what to do next and I was crying so hard that I could not see. Then suddenly Anne appeared right in front of me.

"Little Ariel," Anne said softly. "With power there is still room for panic but don't worry I have come to save you!"


"I don't think you are in any business to talk to me like that while you cannot move Miradelisa!" Anne laughed. "Anyway Serena and Ariella grab my hands and I will take us out of here right away!"

The last thing I saw as I grabbed Anne's hand was Miradelisa throwing a tantrum like a two year old. Silly evil girl does she not see that will do her no good! She looked so silly and she is supposed to be a powerful fire demon! As I laughed I remembered something.

"Hey Anne can you please tell me why exactly she is after now?" I begged.

"Yes Ariella I will!" Anne said. "When we get to a safe place I will tell you!"

We then stared to glow a bright blue color and started spinning off into space. I was excited because Anne was finally going to tell me what is going on! I have been waiting a long time for Anne to tell me. So are you as ready as I am?

A/N: I know I am evil! Let me know what you think! Read, vote, comment, and share! By the way if you have an idea and would like to see me use it message me! You never know I might use it! I don't know when I will update next but hopefully it will be soon!

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