Serena's Anger and Ariel's Sadness

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"No, no, no!" Serena screamed. "You have to be joking Ariel! Please say you are joking, I beg of you!"

"Unfortunately Serena I am not joking." I say with a grim look. "I really wish that what I saw was a dream. However the burn on my neck with Mirandelisa's name on it, and the Mary Mother of God image on my wrist, says otherwise."

"Wha-wha-what happened?" Serena stammers.

I tell Serena every detail of how I appeared in the high school again, how I found out the bright white light that saved me the first time was Anne Bluelilly, how me and Anne tried to find a way out, confronting Anne, the fight with Miradelisa, how Anne gave me a new power to help defend myself, and finally how Anne shot a beam of light to me to wake me up. As I finished telling her what happened she looked very frightened.

"Ariel how does that demon know my name?" She asked terrified.

"I wish I knew, Serena." I said in a frightened voice. "I know it is scary but please help me! I need to have at least something normal in my life." Serena looked at me with a look of a scared little girl. I have not seen her have that look since we were kids and was terrified of the bully that picked on both of us.

"Ariel I can't...I just can't do it." She said quietly. "The demon is now after me because you told me what was going on. Staying near you is only going to get me killed and I would rather be alive!"

"Rena wait!" I said pleadingly. "Please don't leave me! Anne gave me a new power so I can protect both me and you! I will protect you with my life!"

"Oh you want to protect me, do you?" Serena said icily. "How dare you say that?! You are the one who put me in danger to begin with! This demon told you when you little that you were not to tell a single person about her or she would do horrible things to you and that person! How could you put my life in danger like that, Ariel?! I thought we were friends but friends do not put their friend's life in danger!" Serena was shaking with anger and there was a hurt look on her face. I could not stand to see her so hurt and angry especially when it is my fault that she is hurt and anger. 

"Please Serena listen to me." I begged. "I did not intend to put your life in danger. I promise you that I have no memory of this demon that apparently visited me as a child too. If I had remembered what Miradelisa had said then I would not have told you anything! Please believe me when I say that I did not mean to put your life in danger. You are in my best friend in the whole world and I would never do anything to hurt you!"


I watched as my best friend stormed out of my room with tears rolling down my face. I understand that Serena is scared and hurt right now so I am not mad at her at all. However I am hurt that she does not believe me that I would not put her life in danger on purpose. I got up to go after her but something told me that I needed to leave her alone for awhile. This upset me because high school started tomorrow and we were going to spend the day walking arm and arm in our mismatched outfits. But now it seems like I am going to have to face my first day of high school scared and alone.

Before all this started with the demon Miradelisa, I was super excited to go to high school. However now I was terrified, because every time I pass out I end up in the high school where Miradelisa terrorizes me. I still do not know why she chooses the high school to attack and that scares me to death. What if I go to school tomorrow and the choir teacher again turns into Miradelisa again?! What if I get there and Miradelisa attacks me out in the open? And when is Anne going to explain all of this to me?! Oh well I guess I will find out tomorrow.

The Next Day

I arrive at the high school and see Serena sitting on the grass lawn by herself. I have not spoken to her since she stormed out of my house early yesterday morning. I did try to call her but she would either ignore me or she would answer and hang up on me. Seeing her on lawn by herself gave me the perfect chance to talk to her.

"Serena I am glad I found you!" I said. "I have been trying to get a hold of you since you left my house."

She gave me an evil look and said, "Really?! Oh my phone does not answer to a horrible, backstabbing, overly dramatic witch!"

My mouth drops as my heart breaks with every horrible word she says. "Serena, how can you say that we are best friends!"

"No Ariel we WERE best friends until you put my life in danger!" She exclaimed. "I have a new best friend and she is way best then you!" As she says this a girl with fire red hair walks up to her. The girl had a black shirt with the words 100% Devil on it and black jeans with a fire pattern running all down the legs. When the girl got near me my red fire shaped handprint started to burn. I knew that this handprint only burned when Miradelisa is around so I looked around for her. I did not see her though so I calmed down and just told myself that it probably burned because I was really upset. 

"Who is this?" I asked curiously. 

"This my new friend Asiledarim." Serena said with a smirk.

"Hello so not nice to meet you." Asiledarim said in a cocky voice. 

"Hi. I said with sadness in my voice.

"Well we have to go." Serena said in a bored voice. "Come on Asile, let us go check what classes we have."

"In a minute." Asile sang. "Go ahead I have something I need to take care of first." 

I watched as Serena left and I turned to go when Asiledarim grabbed my wrist and pulled me back to her. I screamed as my fire red handprint started to burn severely. She spun me around until I was face to face with her and looked at me with an evil smile.

"Well if it is not Ariel!" She said with malice in her voice. "I am going to make your life a living nightmare! I hope you enjoy the show and do not worry. I will take care of your friend Serena. She is safe in my hands!" She shoved me to the ground and took of running leaving me all spread out on the ground wondering what just happened. Interesting name that new girl has. 

All of a sudden I sit up terrified and take off running. I cannot believe that Serena did not take the time to notice a terrifying fact about her new friend. She must be so upset that she is not thinking clearly. I started running as fast as I could looking around trying to find Serena. I have to save her from Asiledarim before it is too late or should I say...

Author's Note: Yay an update! I know I know I am horrible! I know promised a new update six days ago but then pain and school work got in the way. I am so sorry. Anyway poor Ariel has lost her best friend in this chapter but is it for good? And just who is Asiledarim? I will dedicate the next chapter to the person who gets it right. This time it will be the first one who gets it right. No hints I am sorry! I know I am so evil leaving you hanging like that but I could not help leaving everyone in suspense. If you do not know the answer then I am sorry that you will have to wait until the next chapter. Mwahahahaha!  ; D By the way I am going to dedicate this chapter to @LaLa3445 for being such a great friend on here. I know she probably has not read this book yet but her books are awesome and inspiring so I thought to dedicate a chapter in book to her. I am returning the favor because she has dedicated a whole book and several chapters to me. Also the video "Wake Me Up Inside" seemed appropriate for this book and chapter.

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