Flashbacks & A Look at Why Ariel's Being Attacked

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Author's Note: First off I want to thank everyone who has been following my story so far and hello to my new fans! It means a lot everyone! By the way I am so sorry for being gone for a month but I had writers block! I had wrote half of the chapter, but when I got to the surprise at the end of the chapter I just didn't know how to put it. I'm sorry! Anyway I am dedicating this chapter to my newest friend vanish_princess because she is so awesome! She has been reading and commenting a lot not only on this story but on some other stories too. Everyone should get to know her because she is a wonderful friend and she is a great listener tooAnyway don't kill me but this chapter is a flashback chapter. You will get to see how Ariella met Serena, which is important to the story. At the very end of the chapter there will be a surprise that you will like I hope! So please read! I hope you like this chapter! By the way the style of writing will be in a five years olds point of view so please to no gripe about how my characters are talking please!

*Flashback To When Ariella and Serena Are Five Years Old*

"Ariella dear it is time to wake up," says my mommy.

I moan and lay down like I do not hear her. Maybe if I continue playing like I am asweep mommy will go away. Today is my first day of big school but I just want to stay in my safe room. I do not want want to go see new kids because they will just say mean things and hurt me. Hey do not look at me like that ! This was how I was tweated in pweschool! So why would I want to go to a bigger school to be sad and hurt?! No way hosay! Anyway just when I fink my mommy was gone, she busted through the door and picked up laughing and throwing me into the air. Mommy always do this to me when I do not get up wite away. 

"Well now my silly girl I know all your tricks!" Mommy says laughing. "Busted!"

"Okay mommy! Okay! I up!" I say laughing. "But mommy what if the big kids tease me?"

"Then mommy will talk to your teacher and protect you!" Mommy said in her teacher voice.

Mommy's teacher voice is scarwy. Why is it scarwy? When mommy uses that voice it means she means business and you better sit right there and listen. That voice means someting bad will happen if you do not listen.

"Now darling Ariel it is time for your first day in big school!" Mommy says sadly with tears in her eyes.

"Mommy why are you crying?" I ask her. I hate it when mommy cries. It makes my tummy feel weally wierd.

"Ariel it's okay I am fine," Mommy says while wiping the tears away. "Mommy just has to get used to you being a big girl now!" She walks with me to the bus and as I get on she waves until I cannot see her anymore.

I sit down and look around the bus hoping that I would see someone that would be nice to me. But I do not see a friend at all. As the bus pulled up to school I had a bad feeling that I was going to get hit before I got inside. As I stepped off the bus I heard a girl yelling by the bushes. I saw the same boys that I had twouble with in pweaschool beating up a girl. 

"That girl is in twouble!" I thought. "I have to do someting. So I ran over there as fast as I could. It is really lucky that I have my new shoes on because they make me fwy fast. I took off my heavy backpack and frowed it at the biggest meanie and then jumped on the other meanie. 

"Hey what the---?" Said the meanie I jumped on.

"Ow!!! What just hit me? Said the biggest meanie.

I started screaming and punching and kicking even though I know it did not hurt the meanie. But as I looked up I seed a teacher coming. She came up and pulled the boys away from us.

"I saw the whole thing boys!" The teacher said. "Why were you picking on this little girl?" She pointed at the girl still down on the gwound looking swared. Then she pointed to me. "If this little girl did not try to stop you then that little girl would have been really hurt! You can come with me now boys straight to the office. What is your name little girl?" She said pointing to me.

"Ariella but I like to be called Ariel." I said with my voice real tiny.

"And my name is Swena," The other little girl said. "And it is spelled S-E-R-E-N-A. Mommy said that I have to spell my name acuz I do not say it wite." (LOL I had so much fun writing this sentence).

"Okay Ariel thank you for saving Serena." The teacher said. "Serena are you okay?"

"I am okay now!" She said smiling at me.

The teacher left us dragging the boys behind her. Me and Serena started laughing.

"Ariel thank you for saving me!" Serena said smiling.

"Those boys picked on me wast year so I wanted to help anyone that is being teased!" I said. "Since you do not say your name wite can I call you Rena?" (And now we know why she calls Serena, Rena).

"Yay! I love that name!" Serena said screaming.

"I got your back Rena." I said. "No one can mess with us now that we have each other!" As I said that I got a stabbing pain in my side. That only happens when I make my friend Mira mad. See my friend Mira is a friend that nobody else sees but me. She came to me last year when I was cwying after school acuz kids were being meanies. She told me that she would be my potecter only if she became my only friend. I made that promise to her but I did not care about her as much now. She did noting to potect me last year! Now that I have a new friend I can tell Mira to go away. Rena will potect me now.

"Go away Mira!" I screamed in my head. I felt another stabbing pain in my side but then something weird happened.

"AHHH! You will pay for not listening to me!" Mira screamed in my head. Mira never screamed at me before so I was surprised. Surprised turned into weakness and then I passed out.

*End of Flashback*

I woke up to Anne and Rena looking at me with worried looks.

"Rena," I said looking very frightened. "We are in deep trouble."

A/N: Mwahaha I know I'm evil leaving it there! How did you like the surprise? I left a pretty big hint on who the surprise was. By the way as aggravating as this writer's block was I had fun writing like I was five years old. I know some of you may be mad because you were expecting Anne to tell Ariel why she is being attacked but please bare with me. This chapter has a lot to do with how the story progresses. I will let you form your own opinions on why Rena and Ariel meeting is important to the story because I want to see if everyone gets it! So what did you think? Vote, comment, and read! I am excited because I have great things planned and no it will not take as long this time!

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