Nightmare Warning

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When I got home I decided to take a nap since the shopping wore me out. Unfortunately for me I was in for one heck of a nightmare that seemed so real.

Ariella Rose's Nightmare

I found myself wandering around the high school that I was going to in a few days. It was beautiful and so much fun. I found myself in music class having the time of my life singing Rascal Flatt's new song, "Rewind" when all of a sudden everything changed. I looked at the teacher and she turned into this demon creature that was the most horrible thing that I have ever seen! She was engulfed all over in fire to where it looked like she was made of fire. She looked at me, smiled and lunged at me. I took off running as fast as I could but she was always close behind me. All around me the lockers and funiture started trying to get me and I was having to dodge them all while trying to get away from this fire demon. 

"GET AWAY FROM ME!" I screamed with all of my might.

The fire demon laughed a shrill laugh and caught me by the throat. She slammed me up against the wall and said, "I will never stop chasing you. You are the one whose soul will help me fulfill my destiny!"

"What do you mean?" I chocked out.

However as the demon was going to say more, a bright light appeared and slammed right into the fire demon. She screamed in agony as the bright light continued to attack her. I lay on the ground choking as I watched this amazing sight. I wanted to see what the bright light was but it was so bright that I could not see who it was.

The bright light looked back at me and in the most beautiful female voice I have ever heard said, "Hurry I cannot hold the demon for long! You need to wake up now!"

"Wait, who are you?" I asked.

"It doesn't matter right now! Please do what I say and wake up! Hurry!" She screamed.

As I was about to say more the demon shoved the bright light aside and shot a fireball towards me. I screamed as the bright light shot a brilliant ball of light towards me. The ball of light hit me before the fireball did and everything went white. Dream End.

I shot up screaming. "Oh thank God it was only a dream!" I said in relief. I wonder why I dreamed something so horrible and it was strange that the dream started in high school. It felt so real that my throat felt sore as if I was really chocked by the fire demon. I decided to get up and go throw water on my face to wash away the horrible images from the dream.

I went to the bathroom and turned the water on in the sink. I splashed my face and looked up at my face in the mirror. When I saw my reflection I started screaming really loud.

On my neck was a handprint burned into my skin.

Author's Note: Dun Dun Dun! Look's like Ariella Rose's dream really was real. So why did Ariella have this dream and who is the bright light that saved her? I guess you will have to find out later on in the story! So what does everyone think? Please vote, and comment because I really want to know what people think! I am putting a cast up but I am not putting a cast up of the bright light just yet. The reason is that I have not yet revealed who she is yet so you will have to wait! Anyway I hope you like this chapter. It is a little longer than the other one. Should my chapters be longer or do you like them the way they are? I know that the next chapter will be longer however I am still figuring out what exactly is going to be done in the chapter. I have a basic idea of how my story is going to go but I still need to work out the chapters a little bit. Please let me know what you think! Thank you! 

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