The Evil Miradelisa Shows Herself

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Author's Note: Congrats to @lkrice for getting the answer right. So the chapter is dedicated to her for getting the correct answer. I hope everyone likes this chapter.

...Miradelisa. Yes the very demon of my dreams is now somehow able to be here while I am awake and she is using the fact that Serena is pissed at me right now. I run around frantically trying to locate Serena and her so called friend Asiledarim just to make sure that she is okay. However I cannot find them anywhere and I am starting to panic. Finally up ahead I see Serena at her locker alone and I took the opportunity to run to her as fast as I could. Before she could even protest I grab her and pull her into the nearest empty classroom as fast as I could. She looked at me angrily and tried to run out the door. However I slammed the door shut and threw myself against it.

"Ariella get out of the way!" She shouted angrily. "I do not want to be in the same room with you!"

"Serena please hear me out!" I pleaded with her. "I need to tell you something important."

"Fine," She sighed impatiently, "but make it quick! I have to meet up with Asiledarim before class."

"That's exactly what I was going to talk to you about." I said. "I'm afraid your new friend is actually Miradelisa and the reason I know is because Asiledarim is Miradelisa backwards." 

"Oh yeah right and I'm the queen of England!" She said sarcastically.

"I'm serious Serena!" I exclaimed. "Please believe me! After you ran off earlier she attacked me and told me that she was going to make my life miserable. I want to save you from her because I'm afraid she is going to attack you when you let your guard down!"

"I'm tired of your lies Ariella!" She screamed at me. "I think that you are just jealous!"

Suddenly as I was about to answer her, I heard an evil laugh and I looked around. The voice then appeared in my head and said, "Tsk tsk tsk...You should not have told her that! You played right into my hands and now the real fun begins!" I recognized the voice as Miradelisa's and I started getting really scared.

"Run Serena Run!" I yelled just Miradelisa appeared in the room with us. However Serena was frozen to the spot and would not budge giving Miradelisa time to trap her in a cage of fire.

"Aww poor Serena you look scared!" Miradelisa said mockingly. "I thought we were friends! I had big plans of both of us torturing Ariella until she opened her big mouth and revealed who I was! Anyway I don't have to tell you this but the writing on wall was correct. I did tell Ariella when she was younger and I had much more control over you, that if she told anyone I would make them suffer too. However Ariella does not remember because I erased every bit of her memory when she was little!"

"Th-th-then Ariella was telling the truth!" Serena said studdered. She looked at me and said, "I'm so sorry Ariel I thought you told me this knowing I could get hurt too!"

I looked at Serena guilty face and then looked back at the amused Miradelisa. "Serena it's okay and it is not your fault. What I don't understand is why you would erase my memory Miradelisa?"

Miradelisa started laughing and said, "Why not?! I knew that if I erased your memory that later on when I attacked you again you would run to someone to talk about me!" She started snickering. "I needed to somehow torture you in a new way sense you are not as easily manipulated now as you were when you were a child!"

"Okay but one question bothers me still Miradelisa." I said trying to stall. You see I had a plan to get me and Serena out of here but I had to wait for the right moment. "You had told me that you wanted my soul correct?"

"Yes I did!" Miradelisa sang.

"Well then if I was so under your control then why did you not just take my soul then?" I asked her.

"Okay if you really want to know I had to wait," Miradelisa said.

"Why?" I asked confused.

"Because your powers had not even shown up yet and your soul was not even worth anything!" She cackled. "But now your soul is ripe for the picking and I will not stop until I get my hands on it!"

She lunged at me and I screamed as I jumped out the way. I had to do something to get me and Serena out of here but I just couldn't think what to do. Suddenly I remembered the power that Anne gave me and an idea popped in my head. 

"Of course!" I thought. "Why didn't think of it sooner?"

"I'm not giving up that easily Miradelisa!" I said as I put my hand on my wrist. I just hope my idea works or me and Serena are screwed big time!

Author's Note: I'm sorry that I have not updated in awhile guys! I have been really sick with bronchitis and sinusitis so I just could not physically update at all. Anyway yes I know I am evil for leaving this with a cliffhanger of sorts! So just what does Miradelisa mean about Ariella's soul and what does she want with it? And how is Ariella going to get her and Serena out of this mess? Lol you will have to wait for the next chapter for that! It was fun to write this chapter especially when I had Serena apologize. Plus I love writing the different way Miradelisa enters into the scene! So what did you think? Pleas comment and vote. Don't be afraid to tell me what you think! I would love to hear from everyone! Anyway thanks again to everyone who has been reading this so far. I'm fully excited about this story and I have a few ideas rolling around in my head about how this going to go! Also don't be afraid to give me ideas too! If there is something you would like me to add to the story let me know and I will try to add it. I know that later on I will be telling how Serena and Ariella met and there is still the huge talk with Anne to look out for about why Miradelisa is after Ariella. Get excited guys because the action is not over with by a long shot! Plus if anyone would like to make a cover for me for this story I would appreciate it but you don't have too! Thank you to everyone that is reading this!

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