Anne's Memory and Miradelisa's Past

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Author's Note: I apologize for the really long wait everyone! I had extreme writer's block and I was also really busy with my Master's in Psychology classes and work. Anyway this chapter is really important but you will not find out everything of course! I hope you enjoy it! By the way I dedicate this to owlgirl909 for being such a great fan of mine and being very sweet.

Anne's Memory:

One day sixteen years ago, a little angel named Anne was playing on Earth out in the country. Suddenly she heard screaming and a huge explosion. Curious she went to go see what happened and was horrified by what she saw. A fire demon had two angels by the throat and was burning them alive. Terrified Anne did not know what to do, afterall she was just a little angel. Then suddenly someone spoke to her in her mind. Confused she concentrated hard to listen.

"Anne, I am one of  the angels that you see being burned alive," the voice said. "Before I die I have to ask you something. Me and the other angel you see were protecting a small little baby from this fire demon. However, somehow the fire demon found us and is trying to get to her. I cannot let that happen! Please can you take her away from here?"

Anne's eyes got huge and she became very scared. However, she knew she had to do something! But what could she do? She was only a little kid herself, so how was she going to protect a baby?

"Sure I can try to help you," Anne responded back to the angel in her head. "But what can I do? I am just a little kid!"

"Do not worry!" The voice said hurriedly. "You can do it I promise. I hid the baby in a field of flowers and I used my powers to make the baby sleep so she would not be found! Hurry go get that baby because my power is fading fast. I cannot keep her sleeping too much longer!"

Anne ran fast to the field of flowers that was right behind her and started looking for the baby. When she finally found the baby sleeping like a little angel.

"This is strange," Anne thought. "This baby has a weird aura about her. It is almost like she has some kind of power deep within."

"Anne hurry run!" The angel said desperately in her head. "LEAVE NOW!"

Anne flew off in a hurry, trying to figure out where she was going to go. Suddenly she heard an ungodly scream, and looked back down. The fire demon had destroyed the angels and somehow found out that the baby was no longer with the angels. Anne gasped terrified, and tried to fly away as fast as she could. However, she was not quick enough, because the fire demon looked her way!

"Come back with that baby!" The fire demon screamed at Anne. "You do not know who you are dealing with little angel!"

"No!" Anne screamed back. "I made a promise to protect her and protect her I will!" 

The determination to protect the baby, made Anne fly as fast as she could. The fire demon was hot on her heels but Anne did not want to give up. However, just when she thought it could not get any worse, the fire demon started shooting fire balls straight at her! Anne zigged and zagged trying to not get hit but she was started getting really tired. Just when she thought that the fire demon was going to get her, a really bright light shot out from her arms and hit the demon right in the face. The demon screamed in agony and fell back down to Earth.

"Where did that come from?' Anne said very confused. 

She looked down on earth where the fire demon fell and laughed at funny way the demon twitched in agony. Unfortunately the fire demon heard her and started screaming. As she was screaming she was flying so fast that Anne did not have time to react. The fire demon reached her in a matter of seconds and grabbed her by the throat. Terrified Anne tried to desperately scratch at the hand with her free hand.

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