A Peek Into The Mind of Ariella's Earth mother, Grace

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A/N: Hello my lovely friends! I thought that I would give you a peek into Grace's mind! Grace is Ariel's mother and I started thinking that hearing her thoughts would be a nice change. Grace knows more than Ariel thinks and I just wanted to give y'all a look into what she thinks about Ariel's situation. Don't get me wrong she doesn't know about Ariel's powers but she knows that Miradelisa is Ariel's birth mother and that she is dangerous. This is Grace's story about meeting her blessing from heaven she named Ariella Rose.

Cleaning always relaxes me, especially when I feel like something is wrong. I'm not sure what it is but I'm afraid it has to do with my daughter Ariel. So in order to take my mind off of what my mother's intuition was telling me I decided to go clean the house. I decided to start in my room even though it was basically clean. I started going through my drawers just to tidy things up and I came across something that I have always treasured. It was the note that was on Ariel when I first found her on my doorstep. I remember that day clearly because it was the worst day of my life and the best day of my life.

Ever since I was a little girl I wanted to have children. So when I met the love of my life, I started trying to plan on getting pregnant. However the more I tried the more disappointed and I became each month that I wasn't pregnant. I started to become concerned and went to a doctor about it and he sent me to a fertility doctor. The fertility doctor testing me to see what was wrong but I didn't get the answer I wanted. He told me that I wasn't fertile at all and in fact I was very sterile. So he told me the worst news in the world that devastated me to no end. He said that I would never have kids no matter what I tried. I cried all the way home and nobody could come for me not even my own husband. I screamed at God asking him how he could even do this to me. All I wanted to do was have kids and now I knew that I would never even be given the option. After all adopting a child is a lot of money which I didn't have at that point.

After screaming at God I decided to try to reason with town because I knew he could work miracles. I got down on my knees and pray as hard as I could, expressing my dream of having a child. I told God that I would do anything to have a child of my own and that if he granted me this wish I would forever protect the child from harm and never leave them astray. I felt a peace come over me when I was praying to God. I really felt like he understood me and I trusted whatever his decision would be even if that decision meant that I would never have a child. I wish I could say that the best thing that ever happened to me happened right away but no it was hours later.

After praying to God for a couple of hours I was exhausted and I fell into a deep sleep. In my dream I saw the most beautiful little child angel that I have ever seen. She had bright red hair and had the most beautiful voice I have ever heard. In my dream she begged me to take care of her sister before a demon killed her.
"My name is Anne and my sister is in grave danger. Her real mother is a demon who wants to kill her for some reason," Anne said crying.
"Why would a mother killed her own child," I asked shocked.
"I don't know. On my daddy said was my sister was important and that I needed to hide her from her real mother." Anne said terrified.
"Why choose me?" I asked.
"Because daddy said you'd be the perfect person to protect my little sister." Anne said.

All of a sudden I heard banging at my door and it woke me up from my dream. When I realized I woke up I was very sad to find out it was all a dream. What I wouldn't give to have the opportunity to raise a child even a child who was half demon and half angel.

The banging at my door continued so I slowly shuffled to the door. But when I looked through the peephole no one was there. However I decided to open the door anyway and when I opened it I found a little baby in a basket. She was the most beautiful child I have ever seen and I couldn't believe she was at my doorstep. When I looked down I saw that she came with the note and on that note was everything I had in my dream. There were a few more words that I didn't hear in my dream. The note said not to tell this child of her true origins because if she knew then it would make her easier to find.

I quickly grabbed the sleeping baby and cuddled her in my arms. I silently said thanks to God for answering my prayers and looked down at this sweet innocent little baby. She had the innocence of a princess and looked as fragile as a rose.

Suddenly I knew what her name should be. "My sweet little baby," I cooed. "Your name will be Ariella Rose and I will protect you with my life. I will not let that demon get you because now you are my child!"

Was I scared? You better believe I was scared. I knew Ariella was a very special child and by taking her in I was bringing trouble as well. However, I felt like I was meant to be her mother for a reason. No matter what I was going to protect this child even if it meant fighting a demon.


It would be five years before Ariel's demon mother would make her move against me. It was a fight that nearly killed me but something miraculous saved me. What was it you ask? Well it all started with what I thought was Ariel's imaginary friend...

A/N: I know I know you're going to hurt me for that cliffhanger. This chapter ties into the horrible event that made Ariel realize Miradelisa was evil. Wow 1,070 words! That's amazing. I had to write most of this with my microphone on my IPhone 4S because my left hand is injured. I cannot type at all and I did not want to chicken scratch all of this writing lol. Anyway I had so much fun writing this very personal chapter about Ariella's mom, Grace! I cannot wait to write the next chapter which will be posted next Sunday I swear. I have been trying to write about the horrible thing Miradelisa did but then I realized that I needed to do this mostly from Grace's point of view instead of Ariel's. The next chapter will have both of their points of views. It will be different that's for sure and it will be dedicated to a new fan of my book because she gave me a great idea! Anyway let me know what you thought about Grace's point of view! Did you like it or did you just go yuck?! Hello to all my new fans! Please read, comment, vote and share! Love ya! Oh by the way the video is Martina McBride's, "In My Daughter's Eyes" It is such a fitting song for Grace and Ariel!

Ashley Franco

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