7. Crocodile Tears

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"Where the hell do you think you're going??", a familiar voice sounded cold from behind her back. She froze.

It was Severus.


A chill traveled up and down her spine as she slowly turned around to meet Severus' fiery gaze. She galped nervously but her outside demeanor was calm and collected. "Why are you following me?", she questioned as calm as she could.

Severus arched one eyebrow, folding his arms before his firm chest. "Because you are reckless", he stated coldly. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going for a walk", she lied. "Happy?"

Severus walked up to her and stood straight, towering her. "You're lying. What was written in the letter?"

She averted her gaze with a short snort. "Why do you care?!", she snapped.

"Look at me", he hissed, grabbing her arm forcefully.

Regina gasped surprised by his brutality and looked up at him, her gray eyes widened. "Severus! You're hurting me!"

Severus immediately released her arm and breathed out annoyed. "Can't you just tell me?"

"Alright!", she growled, rubbing her arm. "Lucius is here, in Hogsmeade. He wanted me to meet him."

"And you're going?!", he stared at her incredulously. "You can't be serious, Regina. Lucius is as sneaky as a snake. You can't trust him."

"I don't trust him", she frowned. "But I want to meet him and you can't stop me."

"I'm coming with you", he stated firmly.

"No, Severus, please", she sighed and placed one hand on his shoulder. "I promise you, I will be careful."

"I have a very bad feeling about tonight. Just, don't go."

"I'm gonna be alright, Severus", she assured him and withdrew her hand from his shoulder.

"Let me come with you. I won't disturb you and he won't recognize me", he pressured.

"You are not a shapeshifter, Severus."

"This is getting irritating", he glared at her. "I'm coming either you like it or not."

"Alright, alright!", she rolled her eyes annoyed. "You can come! But make sure he doesn't notice you! You know, Lucius. He will lash out if he finds out you're stalking."

"If he hurts you, I'm going to kill him", Severus said seriously.

"It won't be necessary because I will kill him first", she brought her wand out of her robes and conjured a hooded black cape for Severus. "Put it on and hide your face."

He took it and put it on, pulling the hood down, hiding his face.

"Alright, let's go...", she sighed and they exited the castle together.

Severus kept a safe distance as they walked. Probably no one would notice him stalking the woman before him. The streets were deserted and snowy. Regina could hear Severus' footsteps behind her but it was enough that he was far away from her. No one should connect them because Lucius would be upset. The moon made the snow-covered streets shine under its silver light. Her heart began to pound as her steps approached the station. She looked around to make sure no one but Severus had followed her. For a moment she was surprised. Not even Severus was visible. Most likely he was hiding somewhere near her.

And then she saw him. Lucius.

The blonde man was standing next to a street lamp, his expression troubled. His long hair was spread on his back and he was holding a walking stick with a snake head that contained his wand. The moment he heard the sound of her heels on the stoney ground he snapped his head toward her. His cold gray eyes immediately softened when he looked at her.

Conscious of the Dark ~ {Severus Snape fanfic} BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now