12. Please

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Her hand as if it was on autopilot slapped him hard across his face.

"Go to hell, Severus. And stay away from me."


Severus stared at her in embarrassment as she walked away from him with a brisk gait. Regina was so angry with him that if she stayed a minute longer she would curse him. How could he offend her? How could he! He should have known that Regina would never sleep with one of her students. He should have known that Regina would not even think about it! What a moron. If their relationship was fresh then Regina would understand him. But the two of them were very good friends before they got to this point. Even the years spent with the two of them not talking, did not destroy their connection. It was unacceptable. Just last night they made love and today they were already fighting. It was at least disappointing.

With a heavy heart, Regina continued to live her boring daily life. From the night she and Severus quarreled, Regina did not set foot in the Great Hall. She kindly asked the Headmaster to give her permission to be absent from the hours of breakfast, lunch and dinner. She was eating in her chambers, alone.

One week had passed and she had not yet spoken to Severus. Despite his efforts, she was adamant. Severus became more and more grumpy with each passing day away of Regina. He missed her very much and she noticed it herself when she accidentally met him sometimes in the corridors. But she had to be restrained. She wanted him very much and was ready to forgive him but every bad deed must be punished, otherwise the situation would always remain uncontrollable.

It was New Year's Eve when Regina decided to go for a walk in Hogsmeade. The weather was cold but fortunately it was not snowing. She went to Honeydukes for chocoballs, ice mice and her favourite toffees and then she visit Gladrags Wizardwear to buy a new dress for New Year's Eve night. When her steps led her to Dervish and Banges shop she halted. With a sigh she entered and started searching for a present for Severus. Well, yes, they were not on talking terms but still she wanted to buy a holiday present for him. After a lot of searching she decided to buy a sneakoscope for him. It was a type of Dark Detector that looked like a glass spinning top. It lit up, spun, and whistled if someone was doing something untrustworthy nearby.

Last stop was the Three Broomsticks where she had a glass of butterbeer and then she headed back to Hogwarts for it was noon already. When she reached her chambers she paused as she heard footsteps from behind her. She left the bags on the floor and turned around but she froze when she realized it was Cedric Diggory. She did not find the time to deal with Cedric. How wrong on her part. The issue had to be resolved and it had to be done now. Now or never.

"Hello Cedric", she forced a smile.

The boy neared her awkwardly, his hands deep in his pockets. "Hello, Mrs. Gold. I just wanted to wish you happy new year..."

"Oh...", she nodded slowly, looking at him. "Actually, it's still early and I was about to have my tea. Would you like to join me?"

"Absolutely", he responded fast with a grin.

Regina felt bad. She was about to break his heart but there was no other choice. She had to do it. "Alright, come inside", she said and opened the door. Cedric helped her with her bags and they entered her chambers together.

She went to her kitchenette to make tea and Cedric sat on the couch, waiting patiently. She was nervous because it was the first time she got herself into such situation. When the tea was done she returned to him with the tea pot and two cups. She settled on the couch next to him but kept a polite distance and served the tea. She handed one cup to the boy and smiled.

Conscious of the Dark ~ {Severus Snape fanfic} BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now