8. Almost

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"No", Severus grabbed her hand in his and dragged her with him. "We're going to get a drink first."

Regina smiled to herself as she followed him. They needed to talk.


They walked in silence, Severus was unwilling to let go of her hand as they headed to the Three Broomsticks, the only popular pub of Hogsmeade. It was late and the pub was almost empty when they entered. Severus let go of her hand as Madam Rosmerta noticed them and walked to them. The blonde, attractive, woman smiled warmly at them.

"Good evening, Severus", she greeted. "Regina! It's so good to see you!"

"Hello, Rosy", Regina smiled.

"Good evening", Severus inclined his head. "It's just the two of us, Rosmerta. We need privacy."

Rosmerta eyed them suspiciously for a few moments, a playfull smirk on her lips.

"Follow me", she said and led the way to the inside of the pub. The space was clean and cozy, Regina loved it. They turned in a corner and Rosmerta gestured towards a very private table.

"Thank you", Severus offered a seat to Regina and then took a seat next to her. "Two glasses of firewhisky", he spoke to the blonde who nodded and left.

Regina removed her robes and remained with the dark green felt dress. "Thank you for stepping in", she broke the silence first.

Severus glanced at her. "I can't believe you wanted to see him in the first place", he rolled his eyes. "What did you expect?"

"I don't know", she shrugged. "He's not as he once was."

"He's exactly as he once was", Severus placed his elbows on the table casually, staring at her. "He doesn't deserve you."

Regina turned her head to look at him, a small smile spread on her lips. "I'm nothing special."

"You are."

She couldn't help but smile even wider. "You think so?"

"Stop fishing for compliments", he smirked. "How do you feel?", he suddenly became very serious.

She sighed. "I can't deny that his words were like poison but truthfully... I don't care much", she shrugged. "I don't value his opinion anymore."

There was a pause after that as Rosmerta brought the glasses. When she left they sipped together and looked at each other.

"Apparently I need to fuck you to earn you", Severus amusedly said.

"Don't use this word, it doesn't suit you", Regina scowled.

"Which word suits me?", he tilted his head, his fingers slowly traced the rim of his glass.

Her big, gray eyes focused on him, her stomach tied into a knot. "Love making...", she mumbled.

"Hm", Severus broke their eye contact and brought the glass to his parted lips. Regina watched in silence and gulped nervously. "Yes, I think love making suits my personality better", he said, his voice rich and deep.

Her cheeks immediately flushed but she was not quick enough. She couldn't hide it.

"You're blushing", Severus pointed out with a slight smirk.

Regina downed her drink in one sip. "It's--..", she stuttered. "It's from the cold and--..", she swallowed hard. "From the whiskey..."

Severus gently took the empty now glass from her hand and placed it on the table. He moved so carefully as he lifted his hand and caressed her cheek with the back of his hand. His knuckles gently traveled up and down her flesh. A faint gasp escaped her lips. His eyes fell to her parted lips and he slowly leaned closer to her. Was he about to kiss her?! Her heart almost jumped from her chest when his warm breath caressed her lips.

Conscious of the Dark ~ {Severus Snape fanfic} BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now