9. Without Control

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"Regina Gold", Severus turned to her with a devious smile. He extended his hand toward her. "Would you like to dance with me?"

Regina grinned excitedly. "I would love to."


Severus courtly took her hand in his and led her to the dance floor. The moment he wrapped his arm around her waist everyone around gasped in amazement. It was the first time professor Severus Snape was dancing with a woman. He seemed to ignore their incredulous looks as he swayed with her in the sound of the music. Her eyes were focused on his, she just couldn't look away. Her free arm rested around his neck, the tips of his hair touched her skin lightly. He was very careful and Regina should admit that he was an excellent dancer. Her heart was pounding so fast that her breath was coming out unevenly from her parted lips. However Severus seemed calm.

"I swear, I can hear your heart beating", he leaned closer to her and whispered.

She gulped nervously, her mouth as dry as a sponge. "I'm sorry, I don't know what's happening to me", she lowered her head, her forehead barely touched his shoulder.

Severus moved his hand from her waist to her bare back, holding her close, still swaying softly to the rhythm. "I think I know", he murmured. "Are you feeling uncomfortable?"

"No, not at all", she lifted her head and looked at his dark orbs. "It feels like a panic attack though. Not a good feeling...", she swallowed hard ignoring her racing heart.

"Aren't you feeling safe with me?", he questioned softly, his lips curled up in a faint smile.

"I do", she nodded and her eyelids momentarily fluttered close as he slowly dragged his hand to her lower back and rested there. "Your touch...", she breathed. "You're making me shiver..."

"I can feel that", he confirmed in low, husky voice. His fingers lazily traced her bare skin.

Suddenly Regina opened her eyes and pulled back from him, her expression was almost scared. "I'm--... I'm sorry...", she stuttered and turned on her heels, nearly running towards the entrance of the Great Hall. When she was out she felt panic quickly building up inside her. "Oh, God...", she gasped as she slipped out of her heels and ran outside to the courtyard to breath some fresh air. She was pathetic. Her feelings for him literally burst inside her and that was the reason she panicked. She was in love. She was in love with Severus and she couldn't deny it to herself. Not anymore.

The thought of being in love with someone always scared her for she had never been in love with someone her whole life. She had a few relationships but nothing serious. Love scared her to death. Being vulnerable around a person was her worst nightmare and now there she was, completely in love with a broken man. Her eyes filled with unwanted tears as she tried to ease her rapid breath. She couldn't let the others see her so she hid behind some tall trees. Her back crushed against the tree trunk and she shut her eyes.


His all too familiar voice made her shiver. He had followed her. Her eyes opened widely and a few tears found the opportunity to rolled down her cheeks. He was concerned. Regina moved away from the tree, turning her back to him. Her heart was aching from the excessive beating.

"I thought you felt the same...", his defeated voice sounded from behind her and her heart dropped to her stomach. He had just admitted his feelings.

"I do", she blurted out, wiping the tears away, her hands were shaking like mad. "I do and it scares me, Severus...", she breathed out heavily, still not wanting to face him.

"I am terrified myself...", he admitted, taking a few cautious steps closer to her. "But I can't control it..."

She heard him walk up behind her. She began to turn around and all she could see was a lustful expression on his face.

Conscious of the Dark ~ {Severus Snape fanfic} BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now