13. Necromancy

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"My princess...", he murmured, staring at her mesmerized.

"My half-blood prince..."


The celebration was magical. Most of the students had returned home to celebrate with their families but many of them had stayed behind in Hogwarts. The Great Hall was so beautifully decorated. All the tables were festively decorated and the menu was really great. Regina and Severus had a great time, talking and having fun with the other teachers, guests and students. Regina, with satisfaction, watched Cedric from afar having a good time with Cho. Their discussion was constructive in the end.

Regina gladly accepted the glass of mulled wine Severus offered her as she talked to Minerva McGonagall and Poppy Pomfrey, the school nurse.

"I'm telling you, Poppy, my bones are like sponges", said Minerva with a tired sigh. "I'm getting old."

"Oh, stop, Minerva", Poppy scolded her. "Look at me! You will never hear me complain about my old age!"

Regina chuckled amused and glanced toward Severus who watched the conversation with an indifferent expression.

"Well, I must say, I feel very good in my 34 years", Regina smiled. "No back pains, no fatigue, no nothing."

Minerva arched an eyebrow, judgingly. "You said it yourself. You're 34."

"Minerva, come on", Regina chuckled. "You can take down an entire army. Stop whimpering."

"Let's change subject", Poppy interfered. "Regina, what a lovely piece of jewelry you wear", the nurse pointed out with a smirk.

Instinctively Regina brought her hand to her necklace, stroking the fine stones. "Thank you. It's a gift", she replied, her cheeks mildly blushed.

"From me", Severus deviously smiled.

Both Minerva and Poppy gasped surprised and Regina snapped her head toward him astounded. He didn't want to keep their relationship hidden. She was so thrilled that she could blow up like a party balloon.

"You two--..", Poppy pointed them with her finger, her old eyes wide.

"Yes, we are together", Severus confirmed with a nod and Regina blushed a deep shade of red.

"Oh, Merlin's beards, what lovely news!!", Minerva grinned genuinely happy.

"Congratulations, my friends", Poppy offered a warm smile. "But what did you get him, Regina? Severus is very difficult."

"Oh my God...", Regina gasped. "I forgot to give you your present", she turned to him, her gaze filled with guilt.

"I'm not going anywhere", Severus responded. "You'll give it to me later."

"I'm sorry...", she looked at him with puppy eyes and Severus laughed amused.

Minerva and Poppy shared another surprised glance. Of course they were surprised because Severus never laughed. Especially in front of others.

"We must do something to protect the school", said Minerva, a playful smirk on her lips.

"Why?", Regina turned to her confused.

"It will break down! Severus Snape laughed just now!", Minerva responded and they all shared a laugh except Severus who glared at Minerva.

"Oh, come on, Severus, that was funny!", Poppy said still laughing.

"Ha ha", Severus mocked.

Regina laughed even harder. "Who's acting like a child now?"

"Oh, give me a break, Gina", Severus narrowed his black eyes.

Conscious of the Dark ~ {Severus Snape fanfic} BOOK ONEWhere stories live. Discover now