48. From Paradise to Reality

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Seb slotted his key into the lock and opened the front door.   He and Alyssa walked in, he deactivated the alarm and held the door open for Alyssa to hobble in on her crutches.  He then bent down and picked up the pile of post that Antti had put on the table for him.  He'd been keeping an eye on the place while they were away. He dumped his suitcase in the hallway and then headed back to the car to get Alyssa's.

Alyssa headed straight to the kitchen. She filled the kettle up and turned it on at the wall, before taking two mugs out of the cupboard. 

After getting Alyssa's case out of the car boot Seb returned, closing the front door behind him.  He then looked through the mail and cursed as he saw there was one from his lawyer.  He had a strong feeling he knew what it was about.  He opened it.  His suspicions proved to be correct. 

"That bitch!" he exclaimed. 

"What's wrong Seb?" Alyssa said, appearing in the kitchen doorway. 

"Sienna's applied for sole custody of the girls.  That birch! If she wants a fight she'll fucking get one."

He took his phone out of his pocket and rang Sienna's number. She answered immediately.

"What do you want Sebastian? If it's about the kids, go through my lawyer!"

"Sienna please.  Don't do this.  Look, we need to talk.  I'm sorry I hurt you. I get you're mad at me but there's no need to use the kids to get at me."

"Hurt me? This about more than just that.  My own sister Seb?  A girl you used to babysit! It's disgusting. How could you?"

"Please can I come over?  I'd like to see the girls. Then we can sit down and discuss things like two rational adults."

"You didn't care about the girls when you ditched us in Greece, or when you were swanning off on holiday with your whore."

"Sienna, don't you dare talk about her like that!  And of course I care.  Alyssa was in hospital, she'd been attacked.   You should have some compassion."

"For that little bitch?  She knew I still loved you.  Well she'll be pleased to know I don't any more. I hate you! And I hate her!  So you can both go and fuck yourselves.  You want to see the kids? Take me to fucking court like you threatened to."

She hung up.  Seb marched into the kitchen. He sank down onto a chair.  He put his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands. 

Alyssa stood by the sink feeling useless. She felt like it was all her fault. She hobbled over and put her hand on his arm. He shrugged it off.

Alyssa felt sick. He was having second thoughts wasn't he? She could hardly blame him. She should have known this would happen. She turned and headed out of the kitchen, she didn't want him to see her tears. He was already stressed out enough. She went into the games room and curled up on the sofa. Finally her tears began to fall. A few minutes later she heard the front door slam shut.

She stood up and made her way to the lounge. The DBX was just disappearing down the driveway. She sank down onto the sofa, tears streaming down her face. Who had she been kidding? This was never going to work. She couldn't see Seb parted from his kids like this. It would destroy him, and he would end up resenting her.

Maybe he had already begun to. He'd pushed her away when she'd just wanted to be there for him. Was this the beginning of the end? She loved him so much. Maybe if she wasn't around Sienna would relent and let him see the girls.

She picked up her phone to call Joel, to ask him if he could come and pick her up. She was about to hit dial when she hesitated.

Maybe she should wait and talk things through with Seb first. She put the phone down. She owed it to Seb, and when it came down to it she just couldn't lose him.  There had to be some way of sorting things out.   

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