Chapter : 1 The Move

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(Sara's Pov)

Hello I'm Sara I'm a freshman in highschool, but the only thing is my family and I just go told we have to move. So that means I'm gonna have to start a new school again!

I'm kinda used to it though, because we've moved so much in my life already and it seems like Everytime I finally get situated and adjusted we have to move again and I have to go to a new school, and leave the couple friends I do make behind.

Anyway enough about me, I live with my parents and my older brother he's already been done with school he graduated in 2009!

(We arrive at our new house, and wait til the mover's come with our furniture and stuff)

I go upstairs and pick the room I want, that I'm gonna turn into my room literally I'm gonna do it just how I've always wanted to with pictures and posters of my favorite bands on my wall!

My Parent's yell up to me "SARA" they yell!

Yes mom yes dad?

My Parent's- Enjoy the few days you have because tomorrow or the next day we're going to go register you up for your new school!

Me- o oh fun, yea I kinda knew I was gonna have to go to school but not this soon!

(Meanwhile back in the room I picked, I start unpacking some boxes and start organizing the room the way I want it! Then my parent's call me downstairs)

Parent's- SARA dinner's here, you've done enough unpacking for now why don't you just come and relax for awhile?

Me- ugh okie but I really wanna get my room ready!

Parent's- yes sweetie we know you do, but we don't want you tiring yourself out honey!

Me- Okie well after I eat I'm gonna rest and go back upstairs to my room, I wanna finish getting it ready to move into

(Just as we're sitting down for dinner the U-Haul comes and knocks on our door as my parent's great the mover's and tell them where to bring the stuff in, we finish eating then put some of the stuff away where my parent's want it.)

I go back upstairs telling the mover's where I want my bed to be, and they move it there for me! and bring my nightstands in putting them side by side next to the bed. I finish making the bed as the mover's go and help my brother in his room,

I hear my parent's talking about getting me registered for school then I hear one of the mover's talking to them!

Mover- w well you know I think there's another way you can register your daughter for school instead of going there in person!

My Parent's- wait there is? And what's that?

Mover- w well you can call the school that's what I did for my son and it worked we've been living around here for just under two months!

My Parent's- okie thank you we'll try that as soon as we can and that's cool maybe your son goes to the same school as Sara's going to be going!

Mover- you're welcome and of course he does there's only one school in the district, well we really should be getting back to work unloading your stuff.

Me- oh great I'm gonna be going to the same school as someone we just mets son? This is gonna be a nightmare I don't know anyone here, why me?

(The mover's finish moving stuff in for the day and leave telling us they'll be back tomorrow to finish everything)

My Parent's- *calls the school and talks to someone)

Principal- Hello?

My Parent's- Hello this is the Snyder's and we heard that you can enroll your kids by phone now instead of coming there is that true?

Principal- of course it is why? You have a child you'd like to register?

My Parent's- yes in fact we do thank you so much

Principal- okay what's their name?

My Parent's- Sara, Sara Ann Snyder she's a freshman and she's just turned thirteen!

Principal- alright you're all set thank you, we expect Sara to be there by Monday that'll be her first day of school!

My Parent's- Okay thanks we'll make sure that happens.

What will happen next keep reading to find out

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Until next time love you all so much stay safe

Rawr xD

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