Chapter : 2 The First Day

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(Sara's Pov)

Well it's Sunday night and I'm gonna be starting school at my new school tomorrow, I'm so nervous like I don't know if people are gonna like me! I know people are gonna laugh at me it happens every time, I should be used to it but somehow I'm not.

My Parent's- Sara you better get going to bed honey you've got your first day of school tomorrow don't worry you'll do just fine.

Me- Okie mom and dad I'm getting ready for bed now, but I gotta brush my teeth and get my clothes out for tomorrow because I wanna look my best Incase I do meet any friends tomorrow you never know what might happen right?

(I go to sleep and dream about my first day at my new school until I'm interupted by my parent's yelling my name)

My Parent's- SARA wake up, it's time to get up! You have school today.

Me- I I'm up I'm up *groggily get's out of bed and get's dressed into my Pierce The Veil shirt with my black leggings and black Converse to match, I do my hair and makeup and get ready for the day*

I go downstairs and make a coffee and eat something for breakfast before going outside and waiting for the bus! As soon as the bus gets here I say bye to my parents and walk outside getting on the bus and sitting down in my seat listening to music on my phone.

(Time skip to when I'm at school now)

I walk in the doors trying to pull when you push it open, when I finally get inside I see kid's standing at their locker's there's these two boy's who are so cuuute and a girl, I think she's one of their girlfriend.

I walk past them and go into the bathroom as I hear them talk about me!

Alex- omg did you see that what a loser, she doesn't even know how to open a damn door!

Johnnie- that's not nice Alex! If you want me to continue dating you, you've gotta change and stop being a total bitch you know I don't like when there's bullying.

Jake- besides I think it's cute and she's beautiful! S should I go talk to her?

Johnnie- Aw Jake's got a girlfriend Jake's got a girlfriend *playfully teasing Jake*

Jake- I I do not besides I I don't think she'd be into me!

Me- I walk out of the bathroom and see them still standing there, u uhm hello I I'm Sara I I'm new here I I was wondering where the guidance office is?

Johnnie- Hello Sara, I'm Johnnie and this is Alex don't mind her she can be a bitch sometimes and beside her is my best friend Jake *pokes Jake's side and whispers why don't you go help her it'll help you get to know each other better*

Jake- H Hello I'm Jake I'm kinda new here to I mean I've been here a few months ago, I I know where the guidance office is if you want me to take you there?

Me- o of course that'd be nice thank you!

(I follow Jake into the guidance office and I talk to the lady inside telling her it's my first day, she gives me my schedule and agenda and I look to find my first class which is reading)

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