Chapter 3 - You're probably with that blonde girl

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There was a deafening silence as I enter the house I grew up in. It made me even sadder when one by one memories started to flow. Not only the memory of my family resurfaced but also the memory of me and him.

I know my tears aren't stopping anytime now. The memories are still fresh even though it was a very long time ago. Hay! Everytime I'll go to this house I'm breaking down!

When I calm down, I stood up and walked through the kitchen. I got myself some water to drink. I talked to the caretaker a few days ago that I will be going home. That's why the fridge was full.

After drinking I went upstairs to my room. Nothing has change, it was still the same the way I left it. I never changed everything, even my parent's room and my Twin's. With that I can still feel that they are here with me.

I took a half bath before going down to get some wine. When I go back to my room I put the wine and the wine glass on my mini table and then I sat on the couch. I opened the tv to watch some movie.

I didn't noticed that when the movie was ending the wine I'm drinking is also running low. And it's starting to kick off a lil bit. When the movie ended, I just played a song and then I stood up holding my wineglass. I walk through my room, I caressed the pictures that is displayed.

I miss them so much. I miss my family. Mom's getting better now and hopefully it will continue.

I stopped at the last display frame. I picked it up and walked through the balcony. I sip my wine as I look at the picture. My tears are building up again.

"i miss you" i murmured while looking at the picture.

I remember the day we took this photo. It was a very happy day for us both. This photo was the proof of how happy we are that day. The day I answered him 'yes' after 7 months of courting me.

While I stare at the frame, memories keep flashing through my mind right now.

When I met Tristan he was too good to be true. I easily saw my dad in him that's why of all people who tried to court me, he was the only one I gave my permission.

I was nearly 22 when he came into my life. That was a year after my mom was put in the psychiatric hospital. I'm at the club with my friends that day and out of nowhere he just popped out from somewhere.

I won't forget that day,he just grabbed me by my wrist while I was dancing on the dancefloor cuz there are men that are touching me inappropriately. Before he leaves me on our table he told me..

"If you don't take care of yourself, i'll do it for you"

I didn't mind what he said because we're on a freaking club and i don't know him. But, I would be fooling myself if I didn't wish for us to see each other again.

And it feels like Lord loves me so much. He just popped out of nowhere again, Like the first time we met, he saved me again.

"I told you to take care of yourself."

His eyebrows was curled up and he ws shaking his head. After that day he got my number. But, he didn't texted me and I don't know his number. So, I lost hope. I just focused on my company and then destiny's really playing with us. His father, who was supposed to be my business partner, asked him to present their proposal cuz he's on another country.

He said that at first he didn't want to but he had no choice and then he also said that he's thankful that he did what his father asked him cuz he had the chance to see me again. He's such a smooth talker. after that we became close and he courted me.

He's a cold and very serious man but when it comes to me he's the total opposite. He's super childish and such a baby.

Then we became official. He was so happy, I'm so happy, everyone around us was so happy. He did cry that day. He's super loving and caring boyfriend, I couldn't wish for anyone more. Not only did I had a boyfriend that day. I also had a new family. His family loves me so much.

There's this one time he didn't show up on our date. He said that there's an emergency at his company and he'll make it up to me. I didn't mind cuz I'm not that clingy girlfriend that wants to have his attention to me at all times. I know my boundaries and I always tell him that if it's an emergency just go. I respect and understand his personal time. But, that time Monica saw him at the mall with a girl.

At first I didn't  believe them cuz I have trust on him. He will never cheat on me. But they sent me a picture of him with a blonde girl. I immediately recognize the girl, she's Samantha, a famous super model.

I didn't confront him after that. I just waited for him to tell me but days passed and nothing. There's so many people that are telling me that they keep on seeing him with her.

It always made me doubt. She's so much older than me and she's everything I'm insecure about. Who wouldn't be? She's Samantha Golden! Samantha Golden for pete's sake!

My friends was angry at me that time, they doesn't understand why i need to be martyr for Tristan even though there are many proofs that he is cheating on me. I just stood my ground and tell them that he will never do that to me.

And I was right he never did. When our anniversary came he surprised me and explained everything to me. He even said sorry for lying and keeping things and also he thanked me for trusting him. He introduced me to Samantha, his cousin. Yea! they're freaking cousins!

I took a last sip on my wine before I lay on my bed. I hugged the picture frame as my heart tightened in so much pain and agony.

I miss you so much babe. It pains me knowing that You're probably with her right now..

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