Life's a Beach

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"Yah! Aeri! I swear to god if I catch you!"

Aeri had stollen her girlfriend's towel, leaving the girl naked in front of her friends. When the girl glared at the latter, Aeri returned it by sticking out her tongue playfully.

"Give it back!" she yelled, beginning to chase her girlfriend.

Aeri laughed as she started to run away, "It's okay to be naked around us! There's no one else here but us!"

"I'm still not comfortable!!!"

"You two shouldn't run or else you'll slip!" Jimin half-yelled.

"Well, they're having the time of their lives." Minjeong chuckled as she laid her back against the pool's edge, "Bathhouses are only nice when there are only a few people."

The girl closed her eyes in relaxation, taking in all the heat from her submerged body.

It's been a while ever since the shorter was able to relax like this with nothing to worry about, and she was glad that Aeri invited her to a three-day rest at their private beach.

On the other side of the pool, Jimin had her head rested on her palm gawking at the shorter. Even though Minjeong had her eyes closed, she could still sense the eyes that were directed at her.

"Rina, you're staring too much."

Jimin chuckled, "I'm disappointed."


"You wore a towel."

Minjeong swiftly opened her eyes, giving the taller a disgusted look whilst covering her already concealed body with her arms.

Jimin laughed, "Take a joke, will you? And it's not like I've never seen you naked before-"

"Please don't remind me."

Jimin swam across the pool to position herself next to her best friend, she smiled at the shorter mischievously before clearing her throat to speak.

"So, back in high school when you accidentally stepped inside this room..."

Minjeong plugged her ears, "LA! LA! LA! LA! LA! LA!"

Jimin gleefully laughed, she grabbed the girl's arms in an attempt to distance her hands away from the ears though wasn't budging as the latter was too strong.

Still, the taller continued. "You saw me, and just like what you did when I tried to help that cat get down-"


After yelling out the girl's name, Jimin finally stopped and gazed at the girl with an expression the latter couldn't explain.

But as always Minjeong shook it away and glared at her best friend.

"Pfft, what?"

"You suck"

Jimin laughed once again, now gaining the attention of the couple who were chasing each other. 

The couple stopped their tracks to observe the odd scenery towards a particular pool, the two can't help but whisper at each other whilst observing the two interact.

"Sweetheart." Aeri chuckled, "I'm afraid I won that bet."

Ning sighed, "I guess I'll have to hear from you later..."

"Wow, the two of you are still on that?"

Minjeong overheard the couple talking to each other not too far from where she's submerged. Holding tightly onto her towel to prevent it from slipping, she stood up.

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