44 • I've Decided

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Jimin wasn't sure what was going on anymore, and she was unable to do anything but smile rigidly at the occurrence that was occurring before her.

"Oh my god! You're a lifesaver!"

"Yeah, so you have to multiply this first before dividing them."

Minjeong was helping a few students, mostly girls who were seated by the campus garden explained with that charming smile of hers. It definitely weirded her girlfriend out since she wasn't the one who'd usually show any expressions to other people besides people close to her.

Jimin could even notice some of the girls within the group openly gawking at her Minjeong, causing her to grip firmly onto the books she held.

That's fine, I'm aware that she's this attractive. It couldn't be helped— she thought to at least make herself feel better, only to snap out the moment one of the girls whispered something and got too close to her girlfriend.

Though, she instantly calmed down when she noticed her girlfriend glancing at her with a soft chuckle.

Minjeong smiled apologetically at the girl who whispered to her, "I'm sorry, but I'm taken."

Hmm, that's right!— Jimin smiled inside her head.

Everyone on the table playfully whined, some even giving Minjeong a few light pushes which earned a small peal of laughter from her.

"I've always thought that you were very quiet, looks like you're better than I thought." One of the girls complimented, "Now I understood why Jimin was so close to you those days."

Jimin coughed, "We've always been close since high school. It's only natural."

After a few conversations, the two girls bid their farewells to the group and continued with their footsteps. That's when Jimin recalled the weird things that have been happening to Minjeong this past morning.

It wasn't that weird, but it definitely felt off.

The girl's been expressing herself a lot today and it pushes Jimin off the edge. Everyone who came across Minjeong seemed to develop a huge liking for her charms, unlike those times when she settled with being quiet and would always have her hood over her head, trying to avoid every contact possible.

"Rina!" Minjeong cheerfully hooked her arm around her girlfriend's shoulder, "You seem deep in thought, care to tell?"

Still not used to this kind of Minjeong, Jimin smiled stoically and leaned her head against the latter with a long sigh.

"Your alexithymia seems non-existent today."

"Oh." Minjeong suddenly remembered that she needed to tell her something regarding this important matter, "I forgot to tell you..." she chuckled nervously. "But anyway, how about we talk about, yeah?"

She slid down her hand to clasp her girlfriend's and led her into the nearby storage room. The shorter locked the door and made Jimin sit down on one of the seats. Minjeong then sat down next to her and casually laid her head on the latter's shoulder with a huff.

"I'm socially exhausted. Would you tell me how you popular extroverts like you don't seem to get tired?"

Jimin paused for a moment before bursting out in laughter, "Okay, later I will. But what's up with you?"

Minjeong pursed her lips, "The reason why I didn't contact you yesterday the whole day was because I was at the hospital." she sat up and pulled up her sleeve that revealed her left arm that's completely bandaged. "Sorry I dodged your question earlier, you just caught me off guard."

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