A scream echoed around Minjeong's apartment, causing her to turn off the stove and walk her way quickly towards the living room.
There she saw frightened Ryujin who appeared to be hiding behind Sakura's back at the very corner of the room.
"What the heck happened?"
Sakura gagged, "A moth flew at Ryujin's face."
Ryujin cleared her throat, "My despise for bugs is immeasurable."
Minjeong chuckled, "Where's the moth?"
Ryujin laughed nervously, "I don't think you should approach it."
The brunette rapidly nodded her head in agreement, though not feeling anything Minjeong playfully rolled her eyes and searched the living room only to see the moth that looked unusually big.
When it abruptly flew off, flying around the living room. Minjeong immediately ran towards the corner of the room where her two friends stood, it was unfortunate how the three of them were scared of such size.
It wouldn't be a problem if it was small.
Minjeong smiled stoically, "I don't think any of us are going to catch that thing and release it outside."
"Should we kill it?" Sakura couldn't help but just laugh at the situation.
Ryujin faced the wall, "DO WE HAVE A CHOICE?"
"I'll get the mop and broom," Minjeong carefully ran back towards the kitchen where the things mentioned were placed.
"Give me your biggest pan!" Ryujin yelled.
Minjeong chuckled, "What for?"
"So I could whack it like a tennis ball if it ever flies at my face again."
Sakura burst out in laughter, "Wow, you really are taking precautions huh?"
In a haste, Minjeong grabbed the stuff and distributed them to her two friends. It was also the right timing the moth landed near the apartment's doorstep, that's when Ryujin ran inside the bedroom to snatch a blanket.
"What are you going to do with that?" Sakura furrowed her brows.
"Trap it, then we whack it there."
"But I don't want to do the laundry..." Minjeong mumbled.
"We either kill it now or die later."
With that conclusion, Ryujin stepped on the couch and aimed the blanket towards the moth. The other two girls then positioned themselves, waiting for whatever the heck their friend's about to do.
Ryujin successfully threw the blanket, trapping the moth under it. From the girl's sudden exclamation, the two friends weren't able to hold themselves but laugh.
"Was that yell necessary?" Sakura covered her mouth.
Ryujin shrugged, "I've always wanted to do that."
Minjeong approached the blanket, "Ryujin is beyond our understanding." she crouched down to examine it.
Trading a few laughs, the other two eventually crouched beside Minjeong to secure the bug. That's when the three of them exchanged a few glances, nodding at each other to indicate that they're ready to kill it.
Positioning their "weapons", the three aimed towards the blanket.
They were about to whack it all together, well not until the entrance door suddenly opened. Revealing Minjeong's three closest friends, standing in place while looking at them with confused expressions.

50 Things I Don't Know About "K"
Fanfiction⭐ 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘳𝘪𝘯𝘢 𝘧𝘧 ❤ As a shut-in, Kim Minjeong never liked the idea of interacting with people as she preferred to spend most of her time inside her apartment. However, all of that changed ever since she bumped into trouble with her co...