23 • Pancakes

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Feeling cozily warm and comfortable, Jimin gradually opened her eyelids, only to be met with a visage she wasn't expecting.

Of course, it was Minjeong.

The girl was surprised, though that was immediately overshadowed with a smile once she noticed how her best friend's arm was firmly wrapped around her waist.

Jimin giggled at the sight and carefully wiggled closer into the shorter's arms, her face then buried into the latter's chest.

She laid in place for a good prolonged moment, snuggling before eventually pulling away from the position to get up with the thought of cooking breakfast for the girl.

Thus, the taller made her way towards the kitchen and began to take out whatever was inside her best friend's refrigerator.

Since there was almost nothing inside of it but a few potatoes and a pancake mix, she took them out and promptly prepared the grater and bowls.

Who the heck places a box of pancake mix inside the fridge?

She laughed quietly at the thought whilst grating the potato she had in hand.

Not too long, Jimin was already done cooking the pancakes and placed them on a plate.

It looked too plain, Jimin felt unsatisfied. So she quietly looked around the shelves to find something to add, and thankfully, she found maple syrup.

Without hesitation, she grabbed this and poured some on the pancakes.

Eventually, she placed the food on the dining table and was ready to wake up her best friend.

About to step back inside the living room where the girl was sleeping, Jimin was abruptly stopped by the buzz from her phone.

With a huff, she answered the call and laid her back against the corridor.

"Hey, hun-"


Jimin furrowed her brows at the sudden child-like voice, "Wait, who is this?"

A cute giggle was heard, "It's Arin."

"Huh, what are you doing with your brother's phone you mischievous girl?"

"Ehh... um... my brother got wasted again last night. So I stole his phone so I could ask if you can bring me to school!"

Jimin chuckled as she looked at the nearby wall clock, "Of course, I'll be there in a few minutes okie?"


"Bye-bye, don't cause too much trouble."

"I will!"

Ending the call, Jimin shook her head subtly with a chuckle as she found the situation adorable and funny.

Then finally continuing her steps, she approached the couch where her best friend was resting and squatted down to face the sleeping girl.

Slightly tilting her head in disappointment, she whispered. "I really want to spend this morning with you, but I guess that'll have to wait for another time..."

A frown formed her lips as she gently tucked a strand of her best friend's hair behind her ear.

Jimin was left staring at the shorter for quite some time, taking in all the cute sleeping visage before her.

There she suddenly thought of something that caused her to finally break away from staring at her best friend, soon a bitter smile displayed on her face.

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