No Worries

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| Jimin's POV

And what of it? If you're good on the inside, then looks don't matter!

I remember those words clearly, those were the good days when I and Jeongie would always spend our time together.

I'm disappointed how all of that is gone now, though that doesn't mean that I can give up right?

The past is gone, yes... we can not change it. But the future is based on the decision we make, and that's what I'm doing, I'll take as much luck I can take grasp.

Just like now, an opportunity had befallen me once again— We're camping, and it just so happens that I'm assigned inside the same tent as Jeongie.

How exciting...

However, I still need to stay at that appropriate distance. I don't want her hate on me to grow wider... instead, I want everything to go back to when everything was fine with her.

I want to feel her hugs again.

"Jimin, please just don't stand there... I'm suffering."

Jeongie groaned behind me, so I quickly turned my back to look at her as she was attaching the pegs at the side of our tent.

"My bad."

Grabbing the two remaining pegs, I walked to the other side and attached them to the corners of the tent.


"What's up?"

"How come you don't call me by my nickname?"

"Ah... I don't think it was needed, why? Do you want me to call you that? ...Rina?"

Hearing that nickname, I released a huge sigh only to notice that I was holding my breath for a prolonged time.

It's been a while ever since I heard that nickname, I couldn't maintain my composed expression and smile.

It felt so warm and fuzzy.

I had definitely felt a sense of satisfaction, my chest filled with fulfillment. I think I was happy, how odd that something so small can fill me with delight.

"Minjie! I need help with the meat!"


"I'll go on ahead and help Ning."

With that, Jeongie immediately stood up and walked away from our spot. As I watch her figure get smaller in the distance, I sighed and smiled at the sight.

If it's possible for one person to be hurt by another, then it's possible for that person to be healed by another.

"When will I be able to reach you again?"

| Minjeong's POV

Midnight came, and everyone's probably asleep by now, which is the right time for me to escape and spend some time alone.

Thus, why I'm currently in the middle of nowhere, sitting on a log that's positioned somewhere near the river's shoreline.

Unfortunately, there's no signal here since we're in the woods.

Goodbye, my precious login streak.

I relaxed my mind, stretching my arms, then picked up a pebble to throw at the river as I watch it skip a few times.

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