chapter 1

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( A/N: Sophia's POV saying goodbye to Renee and Phil)

As I'm making sure I haven't left anything behind that I forgot to pack. I hear footsteps approaching my way, then stopped behind me.  

" It's going to be okay Sophia, Dad will love seeing you after so many years. I'll be there with you." I heard Bella's voice behind me. 

I turned to look at her with a small smile as I sighed. 

.''We can be miles apart."  Bella said with a smile on her face trying to cheer me up. 

" We will always fight as one." I said remembering the  vowels we  swore to one another. 

I smiled at her from making me feel a bit better,  I took one more look around the room one late time before I grab my bag and walk out with Bella. I close the door behind me and we say goodbye to our mum. We all get into the car and drive to the airport.

"Here we go," I mumbled as I put my headphone's one and started to play  Hand in my pocket by Alanins Morissette 

(A/N: Small time skip.)

Bella and I are getting off the plain with our luggage in Seattle, looking for our dad.  I'm so nervous, I can feel my little side wanting to come out. I try to push it away and wait until I'm alone.  It's more of a respectable  to others and myself then anything, If anyone saw a teen who's walking around with a passe in their mouth would feel uncomfortable being around them and would get made fun of big time.  

It's also can make others not take you  seriously after they have seen you like that, which is why I wait until I'm alone.  In the  corner of my eye I see Bella giving me that look like she knows what's going on. 

" It's okay, release it."  Bella said with a reassuring smile as she  encouraged me to let my  coping mechanism take over. 

" Bella, I'm okay.  Let's just find our father."  I said changing the subject and kept looking for that cop car that I've heard Renee tell me many times Our father (  Charlie) would drive  instead of a  regular car. 

  We both found the car  by the sidelines outside, I saw Bella puts on a fake small that I can tell she would rather be anywhere but here.  Even though this was HER fuckin idea! I suggested we go to New  Orleans but that got shut down  real quick, I mean it's not like we could drink.... Well I do have a family who came compel others, Ugh a glass of  bourbon from Damon's stash sounds so good right now. 

" You ready?" I heard Belle asked me. 

 "As I'll ever be." I answered with a sigh. 

 " Hey Bella, Sophia, How was the flight?" Our father asked as we walked out of the airport. 

" It was good, other then that moron who kept kicking the back of my set." I said nervously then soon got over it.  Why is it so hard for me to talk? Since when do I ramble?  I never have this problem! It's like my mind went blank, maybe I need to call Caroline when I get  settled in. 

After Bella and our father had the most awkward hellos, Bella and I put our luggage in the trunk of the cop car.  We then all got in the car and headed to our father's  place. 

"Nice house." I said looking around as Renee's descriptions of the house matches it. 

"Uh thanks.  I'll show you guys to your rooms, follow me." Our father said as we walk into the house. 

 " Uh,Bella your room is the one on the left, Sophia your mother and I made you a room up in the attic.  Your mother insisted on putting in a bathroom in the attic. You two can decide if guys want to share it or not."  Our father said, as Bella put her stuff in her bedroom. 

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