Chapter 23

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( A/N: Two weeks after the twin's birthday, Monday afternoon. Sophia's outfit is up above. Sophia's POV)

Currently I'm in the high school parking lot waiting for  Bella, Jessica and Angela. We are all going to Port Angeles to for them to pick up supplies for the L.A. trip I'm going to for work this upcoming  Saturday.

I somehow managed to convince both Jessica and Angela's parents to let them go with Bella and I on this trip. Jake unlocked his wolf side about a week ago which led to the pack did find out what I am.  I may have lost my cool on Jake after he tells Bella off for no reason.

I tossed him into the lake by his house with my magic in front of the whole pack including the elders.  After that, I had to spend the rest of that week down at the reservation to explain what I am to them and that I'm not a threat.

After a week of explaining to them, they somewhat accepted me. I think they understand that I was born into this, not created just like them. Well kind of like them. They are lucky they don't get their bones to break every time a full moon is up.

Why are these Supernatural creatures getting an upgrade? Then again they are all wanna be's. Good people, yes. However their lack of knowledge on who they're great ancestors are is ridiculous. Like do they all seriously think the way to trigger their wolf is by anger to the point of violent shaking?

Let's not forget about the cold ones. They think sparkling in the sun like a disco ball and drinking human blood which makes the iris of the eyes stay blood red, with a power of some kind. Is what they think is called Vampire. 

Maybe I could cast a spell that least a year for the Cold ones to truly experience what's it like being a traditional vampire and make the wanna be wolves  experience what's it like to be a  true werewolf.  That would be awesome, maybe they all would be less cocky on what they are. 

Not to mention I within the same week I also told Jessica and Angela about the supernatural world.  Ever since Jake unlock is Wanna be wolf, I've been having this feeling like they should know about the world.

They took it like Bella did at first and thought it was completely insane. I showed them three sides. Ever since then they've believed in the supernatural world. It's been an adjustment for them but don't treat me any differently.

" Hey Sophia." I hear Jessica say pulling me out of my thoughts when I turn my head to see all three of them walking over to my car.

" Hey guys." I say with a smile.

We all got into the car and I pulled out of the parking lot.

" So are you all excited for the trip?" Jessica asked the group while my phone kept going off.

" Yeah." Bella and Angela say at the same time then laugh at each other.

I focused on the road as we passed the Forks sing, my phone kept going off. Ugh, really. Now people want to talk. Why is it always when I'm working or driving?

" Bells can you grab my phone is my bag please." I asks her.

" Sure." Bella says as I saw in the corner of my eye I saw Bella grab my phone.

" Klaus is calling." Bella says to me.

" Put him on speaker please." I say to her.

" You know I love our phone calls but how many times do I have to tell you. If I don't answer the first time it means I'm either working or driving." I say loud enough for him to hear.

" Yeah, well when you didn't answer last night I got worried." Nik says.

" Awe you big softy. Oh by the way, you're your speaker. Bella, Jessica and Angela are with me right now. " I say smiling as it turns into a smirk.

Sophia Swan Where stories live. Discover now