chapter 16

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( A/N: Sophia's bedroom is up above, Also this chapter is sumt, giving everyone a heads up.   Sophia's POV)

As Caroline and I held hands looking at our new home, I couldn't help but know that we can't go inside yet, only make sure it's ready to be moved into. The other side told me when I was doing the spell that I can go into the place when the keys and documents appear on my birthday.

I mean It sucks we can't go in and look around but last we can look on the outside. Tyler left a while ago heading back to Mystic Falls, which Left Caroline and I.

" I can't wait to see what's inside." I said as I looked at the beautiful castle that is now my new home.

" Me too, we can finally act out Bridgeton scenes." I heard Caroline say.

I laughed and turned my head to look at her, she looked at me in her light blue eyes. Then I felt her lips pressed against mine, in a slow but loving kiss. I moved my hands slowly up her body and stopped behind her neck as I heard her let out a small moan into my mouth.

I felt her pull me closer to her body as I felt her hands go down my back then squeezed my butt, which caused me to not only become wet but I moaned into her mouth.

As Caroline and I were making out she vamped us to the front door as we continued our make out, I felt Caroline's lips travel down my neck.

I moaned as I felt her sucking and licking my sweet spot, I became wetter by the second.

I felt Caroline's hands under my long dress shirt, first touching my boobs, then her hands travelled down my body slowly. As she continued to suck on my neck as I grew wetter.

I felt Caroline's left hand reach my flower area and cupped it with her hand, feeling my wetness. As I felt her lips nibble my ear as she squeezed my flower area lightly. Which caused me to moan and squeal out at the same time.

That's new. That's never happened before.

" Please...... Stop teasing me." I moaned as I felt Caroline's fingers caressing my flower's entrance, not fully going in.

" Beg me, baby girl. " Caroline demanded in my ear as she placed her thumb against my clit pressing it down causing a low moan to escape my mouth.

" Please, please baby please. " I begged as I wiggled my hips against her thumb.

" Not good enough. " Caroline say as I felt her smirk against my skin as she continued on with her teasing now adding a finger inside of my clit.

" Yes, fuck, please, please, baby finger fuck me please, please make me cum" I moaned out loudly.

" Alright." Caroline said as she started to thrust two more of her fingers inside of my aching wet clit and began to pump them in and out of me at a fast pace.

" Ooh, fuck, fuck. " I whimpered as I rocked my hips against her hand.

Caroline looked up at me and a devilish smile lay on her face, she soon removed her fingers, as I was about to demand why she stopped. I suddenly gasped out when I felt her tongue against my clit.

Caroline placed the tip of her tongue against the bottom of my clit, slowly dragged it up my pussy until she made it to my clit.

She repeated this action again, dragging her tongue up and down my clit, Caroline began to get enthusiastic by the lick and began to pump her tongue in and out of me.

Caroline kept licking my clit as she got faster and faster, loud moans escaped my mouth as one of my hands grabbed her by the hair tugging on it tightly. I began to hump my hips up and down her face.

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