Chapter 20

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(A/N: Time skip to the day after the wedding event, Sophia's outfit is up above. Sophia's POV)

" You look beautiful." Stefan says as I walk out of the bathroom ready for our date.

I blushed as I did a little twirl around, like a princess. I felt like one thanks to the hairstyle I did.

I hear Stefan chuckle, soon before I can give him a compliment on his outfit. I felt his lips on mine.

I kiss him back, then Stefan pulls away. He smiled as I kissed his cheek and grabbed my purse.

Stefan grabbed my hand and we walked out of the hotel room. As Stefan locks the door I hear another door open.

I turned to the sound and saw Bella walking out of her room, when Bella locked her door she looked up.

Our eyes connected and I saw anger rose in her brown eyes. Bella unlocked her door and walked back into her room.

I sighed out feeling like shit now. Bella and I are on no-speaking terms at the moment.

Ever since I asked Bella about her possibly going into depression if Edward ever left her. We first gave the silent treatment towards each other.

Then after two weeks Bella and I got into a screaming match in the woods about basically everything we don't talk about. Even the topic about the depression.

In the end Bella angrily walked away well I was left, in mixed emotion.

A part of me wanted to cry and the other part of me wanted to rip everything around me.

I ended up damaging so many trees by screaming out in frustration.

Stefan came not long after that and I just cried in his arms, Bella said somethings that day that was uncalled for. Even for her.

Since then my mates have been trying to keep Bella and I apart. We would usually end up fighting over something.

It would mostly be how selfish I'm being to her, like I didn't ask to have a coping mechanism.

I didn't ask to go through literal hell or the fact that I was born into the supernatural world.
I can only accept it.

Fighting it would get me no were, Bella however. It's this kind of drug to her.

She goes on about wanting to be changed to a vampire soon then we planned. My mates and I told her to give us 6 really good reasons why.

She could only name three. All of which would mostly include Edward or at least one that has me in it.

I don't understand why she desperately wants to become one, it's not going to change the way you feel about yourself or make your confidence level grow.

Bella needs to realize the confidence she wants, she already has in her human self. She just needs to work on it just like another human does. There is no big secret to that.

" She'll come around." I hear Stefan say as I'm pulled out of my thoughts.

Hummed in response as we walked to the elevator and we headed out to a mysterious place for our date.

( A/N: Small time skip )

" Mr Salvatore, where are you taking me?" I asked Stefan as I began to see less and less houses and more crop areas. We are definitely in the Country part of Italy.

Stefan doesn't answer me and only gives me a smirk that tells me he is up to something.

Stefan pulls the car over by another road only it has red roses all over it? What did Stefan do?

Sophia Swan Where stories live. Discover now