Chapter 25

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( A/N: Time to eight years later, Sophia's POV)

I can't believe It's been eight years. Bella graduated high school and got into the CIA in Napa Valley. Just Graduated last week, I'm so proud of her. Bella and Edward had a lot of rocky roads after Bella graduated high school. They ended up taking a break. Bella of course was saddened by this, however I was more surprised when she was the one that initiated taking a break.

Bella wanted to be more experimental that kind of what your young adult years are for right? Bella had a grieving time. Then she put her force into school and even made new friends in the school.

When she felt ready to date again, she tried dating this man named Jackson. That lasted a good five months, which landed Bella losing her V card. College life.

Bella and Edward reconnected within three years later and they are back together going strong. Bella is now a head chief in London England, sharing an apartment with Edward. Sorry, flat as Bella puts it. She decided on turning after we turned 26 years old instead. Bella has become more happier once she finished her transition a few months back. Bella is handling her new Lifestyle pretty well.

I on the other hand haven't unlocked my vampire side yet and instead I got my business certificate in photography at community College.

I then opened up my own business in Port Angeles where I was also able to live in the castle full time. I did use some of the cottages as an Airbnb,which has been doing an amazing job with flow on Finances.

I even manage to pay back all the covens who've helped me with the castle.

I had managed to succeed in my own little experiment I did with the wanna be wolves and cold ones.

I made both side's get to experience what it truly is like being a traditional Vampire and Werewolf. To say they all had a hard time was an understatement.

After they both experience what it's like to be on the traditional sides of their species, they even swap species while they are still on the traditional side of things.

Both sides got to experience what it's like to be a traditional vampire that burns in the sun and craves blood, ect. We taught them how to handle some of the ways.

Both sides got to experience what it's like to be a traditional werewolf that is bound by the full moon and gets their bones broken every full moon.

By the end the whole pack including the Elders held a lot more respect and more gratitude for their kind. As did the Cold ones.

They all respect each other and soon realize how easy they have it. The shapeshifters broke the treaty line with the cold ones letting them roam freely on their lead when the experiment was over. About fucking time.

The other side thanked me for my idea knowing how ridiculous these morons were being, about a year after that Jake found his Imprints yes more then one. Jessica and Angela. Who would have thought that would happen.

Well I did. They accepted Jake as a lover and travelled around the world for about two years. They all finally settle down in Port Angeles and Jessica owns her own clothing store while Angela becomes a nurse.

Father is doing well, he retired from being a cop. He is now enjoying his life finishing and hitting with his lady friend named Sue Clearwater from the Reservation. Bella flew down on spring break to help me with the interrogation on Sue. Just because we know Sue doesn't mean we are not going to look after our father.

Sue understood and we all got along well, father found out what we did and didn't mind. HA! Now he knows what it feels like. Over time dad popped the big question to Sue which she said yes and they had a beautiful wedding. Currently I'm getting ready for my own wedding. I'm getting married to Stefan tonight!! I can't believe I'm getting married!!

I hear a knock on the door Interrupting my thoughts.

" Come in." I say through the door as I turn around from the mirror facing the door.

The door opens to Bella, mum and father.

" You look so beautiful." Mum says as I saw tears about to stream down her face.

I giggled and grabbed her a tissue. I turned to Bella who's crying as well.

" Guys, if you both keep crying I'm going to start crying." I say with a giggle.

" She's right." Mum sighs out as father pulls out something from his jacket.

" It's a family heirloom." Mum says as Bella took the heirloom and motioned me to stand in front of the mirror which I did. Then she put it into my now brown hair.

" Thank you so much, you guys." I say to them as Bella pulls me into a hug.

( A/N: Small time skip, Sophia's wedding dress is up above)

As I'm waiting at my place both mum and dad, stand by both my sides as we are waiting for our signal to walk.

" Mum and Dad don't let me fall." I say to them as I can feel my heart racing with excitement.

" Never, my little Survivor." Mum says to me with a smile on her face.

We got our signal and started our walk down the beautiful Isle. I saw all my family, friends, in- laws. As we turned the corner I saw Stefan looking at me with tears of joy in his eyes as all my nervousness washed away. As we began it'd now our vowels Stefan and I locked eyes with each other as we held hands.

" Sophia Luna Swan, I've been waiting for you for like forever. We started out as friends and became lovers, I can't imagine my life without you. I love you more than anything, forever and always." Stefan says to me as my vision becomes a little blurry, oh boy here comes the water works.

" Sophia it's your turn." The pastor says to me as I take a breath in and out.

" Stefan Antonio Salvatore, the day we met I knew you had me either as lovers or as a friend. I feel I'm not marrying you as my lover but also as my best friend, I'll love you forever and always." I says as I could hold back tears of joy streaming down my face while I smiled.

" By the power vested in me and by the many witnesses, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss your bride." The pastor says as Stefan pulls me into his arms and kisses me as I hear claps around us. The kiss feels more passionate and loving.

Stefan's pull away and we turn around to see everyone else still coughing as Stefan and I hold hands while we walk down the aisle. I can't wait to spend eternity with my mates. I'm officially Sophia Luna Salvatore.

" I love you Mr. Salvatore." I say to my new husband as we stopped by the doors and I wrapped my arms around his neck with a smile on my face.

" I love you Mrs. Salvatore." Stefan says to me as I pull him into a loving kiss.

Forever and Always.

The end.

A/N: Thank you to all who've read this book. I'm so grateful people love this book, from the bottom of my heart I thank you all. I hope you all have an amazing day/ night/ evening.


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