Chapter 10

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( A/N: Sophia's POV Also The Outfit is up top)

I woke up in a different room, I'm guessing this room is Stefan's. As I looked around the room, I didn't see Stefan anywhere.

I then smell with the most amazing smell EVER. Waffles!

I went to the bathroom to have a shower and get dressed. Once I'm done getting ready for the day, I went downstairs and into the kitchen.

When I got there I saw Stefan cooking, I walked over to me and kissed him on the lips.

" Good morning." I said, as I parted from the kiss while I smiled.

" Good Morning babe." Stefan said.

I moved to the chair that was tucked underneath the edge of the island, I pulled it out and sat on it. Once I'm comfortable, Stefan placed a plate in front of me with blueberry waffles on the plate.

I smile excitedly.

" Thank you." I said, as I grabbed my fork and took a bite from my food.

I moaned at the deliciousness it has. Honestly I miss Stefan's cooking. Stefan smiled and chuckled at my reaction knowing waffles are my favourite sweet breakfast food.

Stefan grabs his food and starts to eat as well. I told him what has been going on with school and about the castle. I also told him that it would be a better Idea to go back to forks, that way if I do end up having to go back there isn't a problem.

Which he agreed to. Like he had a choice in that matter.

As we finished eating I started to do the dishes and Stefan went to get what he needed to head back to Forks.

As I finished putting away the last of the dishes , Stefan came back into the kitchen and handed me my bag that I bought with me. I put on my bag and we headed outside to Stefan's motorcycle and got on then started driving back to forks.

( A/N: Time Skip to Stefan and Sophia arriving at the Swans house.)

Stefan parked the bike by Bella's truck, we got off the bike and walked up to the front door. I opened the door and walked in, I turned around and invited Stefan in.

Stefan came in and closed the door behind him, just as I was about to lead Stefan up stairs Bella came down the stairs.

" Oh, thank god." Bella said as she sighed out of relief .

Bella came down and hugged me.

" I'm okay Bella, why are you not at school?" I asked as I let from the hug.

" Dad wanted me to make sure I was okay and let me have the week off. I heard the principal told you didn't have to go to the school and just do online university classes for now on?" Bella ranted out.

" Dad is at the school talking with the principal now, he said he's cool with it. Mom on the other hand wants you to do the whole high school thing. But for now you don't have to go to school today." Bella said finishing up her rant as she trued to Stefan.

" It's nice to see you Stefan." Bella said, as she had a smile on her face.

They talked for a bit, Bella said she's going to see Jacob. I showed Stefan around the house and we are now in my room watching movies.

( A/N: Small time skip)

We just finished watching all the Harry Potter movies. I grabbed my phone to see what time it was. It's 2:40 pm. I sighed and started getting ready for work.

Once I'm done getting ready I put a note on my side of the bed and kissed Stefan's forehead. I then left for work.

As I got to my work, I started developing photos for a customer who is going to be picking them up this evening.

( A/N: Bella's POV)

As I'm heading back to Forks, I started to think about Edward and his family. Were they what Jacob's story was about?

Once I made it home, I pulled up my computer and started looking for what Edward and his family are.
After hours of searching about the "Cold ones'' I heard a knock on my door. I said come in, and closed my laptop screen, as the door opened. It revealed Stefan.

" Hey, what's up?" I asked.

" Not much, just woke up. I assume you figured out what the Cullen's are?" Stefan asked.

" How did you know?" I asked, in a surprised kind of tone.

I thought I was hiding it well.

" Well you and Sophia kind of have the same way of showing when you are on a mission or figured something out." Stefan said as he took a seat on my bed.

I turned my chair around to face him.

( A/N: small time skip.)

After Stefan told me how the Cullen's were made and about their way of living. Basically a 101 on the Cold One.

As while how to kill one and the lenders of the Cold Ones are alone with their rules.

I collected all the information I needed with the cold ones and about the Werewolves that are in lap push.

I'm suddenly pulled out of my thoughts when I heard the front door open and closed, I then heard footsteps walking up the stars.

I turned to my door and saw Sophia standing there with a smile on her face.

" So you fingered it out?" Sophia asked

" Yes I did, Stefan gave me a 101 on Cold one's and how to kill one alone with their rules. It's funny how they don't know about thier own back story on how there were created like the traditional kind does." I said as Sophia and Stefan laughed as they nodded their heads.

" As much as I would love to be a cold one and spend it with Edward I would much rather be a traditional vampire." I told her.

"I was going to ask you about becoming a vampire like me anyway. Why don't we turn you when we turn 21, that way you don't have to repeat high school." Sophia said, as she walked over to Stefan and hugged him. Stefan pulled her into his lap.

" Okay, that sounds like a plan." I said, as I smiled at Sophia's happiness.

I just hope I still have Edward at that point in time.

We made a plane and back up plans just in case I get hurt by a Cold one. We ended up watching a marathon of Gilmore girls, even though Stefan posted at the choice. He still watched it.

A/N: Thank you for reading this chapter,  I hope you all have an amazing day. 

- R

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