Prologue - Past

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Jung-hee was a nice person.

Maybe a bit too nice.

Jung-hee was like a fire on a winter night, warm and embracing. He always forgave, and never accused. He was friendly and gentle, and never believed that people were truly in the wrong. He believed that everyone had their own reason of doing what they did, even if it was a bad act. He believed that every person had a good reason behind their actions.

Jung-hee's parents left him at a young age, but he still held a positive outlook on life. He was currently in his last semester at university, studying music/musical arts, design and a side course for psychology. He wrote small novels on writing sites as a hobby, and his favorite past time, was reading.

He was currently reading a novel named "Lovely Princess", a novel that blew up just a few months ago. It quickly rose to popularity because of its peculiar world building and plotline, and no doubt had it piqued Jung-hee's interest as well.

Most people had disliked the main character, Jenette, but he forgave her. She never asked to be born in the first place, she was an experiment created by Anastacius. People hated Claude, but Jung-hee forgave him, though hesitantly. At first he wasn't sure, but he slowly forgave the character after reading a bit more. Jung-hee knew how saddening losing a loved one can be, after all, he had lost his loved ones as well, but maybe he wouldn't go to the extreme that Claude did.

Sure, maybe Claude took it too far, but
Jung-hee believed that the character didn't really mean it inside. Ijekiel too, he was only Jenette's fiance, he hadn't done anything wrong, he was only dragged into the mess. But he mostly sympathized for Athanasia. She was such a kind girl, and she really did not deserve to die.

But there was one character that always confused Jung-hee.


He was confused on why the man created Jennette in the first place. Why did he let Penelope sleep with him when he knows that she's engaged to his brother? Why did he hate his brother so much? Why black magic, out of all things? Out of sorrow, maybe? Sorrow for what? For who?

Jung-hee tried to find a reason behind the man's actions, but always came to a dead end. He didn't exactly hate the man, but nor could Jung-hee forgive him.

Jung-hee pondered on the thought before clearing his head and going to sleep. It wasn't good to stress oneself before sleeping. He closed his eyes and wondered to himself.

'If only our world was a fantasy...'

❦ ❈ ❦

The next morning, Jung-hee received a note in his locker.

«Meet me at the rooftop :D
- Seo-jun, your cute junior»

Jung-hee tilted his head. Seo-jun...Seo-jun...Ah! She was the popular second year in his design course. She had outstanding looks and a great personality, hence why she's so popular.
Jung-hee never really hung out with her, since she never really approached him, so he wondered why she would want to meet him now. He shrugged and decided to head to the rooftop.

Standing at the end was Seo-jun waiting for him. He jogged to where she was and smiled.

"Hello Seo-jun! May I ask why you called me here?"

Seo-jun smiled back at him, flashing her dimples and pearly whites.

"I've liked you for a long time. And I didn't really know how to say it, so would you accept my confession of love?"

Jung-hee was startled. What was going on? This girl he barely spoke to just confessed to him, it was all happening too fast. He didn't know how to respond. He didn't want to hurt her feelings, but if he accepted the confession he would be lying. Faking romantic feelings wasn't a good thing to do, but rejection is a harsh option as well. He decided he was going to try and break it to her as gently as possible, he didn't want to hurt her feelings, after all.

Jung-hee softened his smile and looked at her with a gentle, warm expression.

"You are very courageous to be able to confess so calmly, you know that? Seo-jun, you have a wonderful personality and spectacular looks. But I'm afraid I don't know you well enough to accept your confession. Please don't stress over it, we could start off as friends and see how it goes from there alright? You're a nice girl Seo-jun, and I really do like you, just not in a romantic way. I really hope you can forgive me."

Seo-jun stared at the kind male with a blank face, before returning to smiling.

"Ah...I see. You are really such a nice person, and I am truly lucky to have you as my senior. You are always so kind and forgiving, but I wonder if you can forgive me after my actions."

Jung-hee tilted his head in confusion.


Everything happened in a blur. One moment he was standing in front of the smiling Seo-Jun, the next he was falling through the sky. He could feel the wind blowing against his head. Suddenly everything was clearer. He could hear the cars passing by. He could hear the singing of the chickadees and the crooning of the pigeons.


Seo-jun had pushed him. He was going to die.

Maybe he was too nice.

Sure, Jennette didn't ask to be born, but she was born anyways. If she really cared so much for Athanasia, she could have helped prevent her death.

Sure, Ijikiel was dragged into the mess, but he could've help prevent Athanasia's death as well.

Sure, Claude was suffering from heartbreak and losing Diana, but he took it too far. He shouldn't have neglected Athanasia like that. He didn't have to kill all those people.

Jung-hee didn't know why these were his last thoughts. He didn't know why he was thinking of that book in his dying moments.

Maybe Athanasia was too nice.

After all, her kindness only led to her death.

After all, it was exactly what happened to Jung-hee, wasn't it?

As Jung-hee neared the ground, he closed his eyes.

The heart that was so warm and welcoming, akin to a fire on a winter night, or a hug of comfort from a loved one, now encased itself in stone, as frost grew on said stone, glazing it with ice.

The kind candlelight that once burned at the center with intensity, now flickered weakly behind the stone walls.

The blizzard continued to grow as the candlelight struggled to stay.

But no matter, how strong the blizzard, or how dark the stone cavern was, a spark always remained.

• ❖ • ❖ • ❖ • ❖ •


Idk if every author feels this way after finishing a chapter, or if it's just me because I'm usually lazy, but I feel so
a c c o m p l i s h e d.

Anyways, take care of yourself, stay safe, and remember to hydrate!

Kiwii, out!

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